Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do


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My daughter had her one month check up today and is gaining weight wonderfully. She was born 5lbs 9oz, dropped to 5lbs 1oz, and is now up to 7lbs 6oz. I asked my doctor about clusterfeeding and how often I should be nursing, since it seems like my daughter just wants to be on the breast almost constantly for a couple hours a day. She said that after the 3 week growth spurt, a baby her age shouldn’t be eating more often than every 2 hours. She told me that any more than that is comfort nursing, and is probably why she’s gaining so quickly (more than average.) She said I should try not to feed her more than every 2 hours so she can be weaned from the habit of comfort nursing.

My issue is that my daughter is generally happy during the day, except for those 3 or so hours a day she wants to be at the breast. She screams and screams and won’t take a pacifier. I’ve tried walks, her swing, a carrier, just walking around and bouncing her, playtime on her mat, etc - nothing seems to make her happy except nursing. I’m currently typing this out with her happily nursing at my breast after an hour of failed baby troubleshooting. I feel guilty for not listening to my doctor, and I wanted some advice/opinions on how to approach the situation. It’s wonderful that she stops crying and is comforted by my boob, but am I really a etting her up for bad habits?
@christopher000 Ayooo, peds here saying just keep feeding your baby on demand whenever she wants. Worry about habits later, she’s too young right now to worry about that. Breastfeeding is about food and comfort, nothing wrong with using boobies for comfort
@col8lok8 Topic adjacent: my OBGYN entered the room saying "GIIIIRRRRLLLL" when she was about to break the news that I needed to be induced immediately 🤣 it was the only reason I didn't panic.
@qwertykb My OB walked in saying “GIRRRRLLL I DID NOT JUST SEE YOUR NAME ON OUR PATIENT LIST SAYING YOU “might be pregnant” AGAIN….” Lol I wasn’t but I laughed so hard cause I had just had my second baby
@qwertykb Man I wish mine had done that. I went from being moved from assessment where they assured me they weren't saying I needed to have the baby right now they just wanted me on ward for monitoring, to as soon as I was on ward the consultant saying "ok when did you last eat because your need to be fasted for your c section". Mate, what?

I immediately panicked. In the end we did have the baby, but I was able to avoid the c section so it wasn't all horrendous.
@col8lok8 Last ped appointment was mostly a gen z resident who did talk to me and husband like this lol. He kept telling us we were "killing it" and I was too tired to reciprocate the energy but it was nice.
@valarie51899 My OB is like this. Absolutely love her. I’ve met most of the other OBs at her practice but no one compares to her at all. I’ll be moving in January and I’m so sad she will not be my OB for my next kid. We made sure to bring our baby to my 6 week visit and brought her a birth announcement. She was so happy to see him and to get the announcement. Not all drs are the same. 😭
@col8lok8 My daughter’s first pediatrician was so cool like this. She always matched her jordans to her scrubs and was so with it and reasonable about everything. Really listened but had great advice. I miss her (we moved) all the time lol.
@col8lok8 My ped talks like a valley girl and is always saying "You guysssssssss!!!" Like, "her weight gain is awesome, you guysssss! Staying on curve!" "You guuuuuuys, it's normal to have a few night wakes even into toddlerhood." "Make sure you expose her to allergens like eggs, dairy, nuts, and shellfish often, you guyyyyyyssssss!!!!" And she is so bubbly. She is so fucking cute I LOVE her.