Baby’s new pediatrician told us that formula has no nutritional value 😳

@etolkk123 You've gotten great advice here.

I just wanted to add that I'd look up what hospital this pediatrician is associated with. There are a number of anti-formula hospitals referred to as "baby-friendly" that are outright hostile about formula for no good reason. They're basically the terrorists of breastfeeding. They will outright lie about formula in order to force women to breastfeed. And funny enough they claim to just be trying to protect women from corporate interests but they themselves exist just via the fees hospitals pay them to be referred to as "baby-friendly".

Here is a list of anti-formula hospitals:
@etolkk123 I’d assume to your states medical board? If you’re not in the US, I can try finding it out for you. Feel free to message me either way and I can try and get you more details. Either way, you absolutely need to report them because they’re giving dangerous information and likely to more vulnerable new parents than yourself (like people who don’t have Reddit or a sounding board etc…)
@etolkk123 Is it possible this doctor has good reviews because they're natural/holistic/ok with "delayed" vaccine schedules? Those are the ones I've learned to look out for.
@roldjk28 My thoughts exactly. Some of the doctors I've gotten the best care from have had pretty average online reviews because they don't always tell their patients what they want to hear. I'll take gruff bedside manner but solved my problem over pseudoscience that confirms my biases any day.
@etolkk123 He sounds dumb but you also should be feeding your baby 3 solid meals a day. Formula is 100% nutritious and second stage formula has iron so no reason your baby will be anemic? But i really would try harder with the solids, check out solid starts for ideas and tips
@ddavis That’s not true. Baby will be ready when he’s ready. By “trying harder” you mean force feeding him, then, no, I’m never doing that. He will come to it in his own time.