Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

@nserchoftruth Even my 6 years old wakes up once or twice at night to pee and drink water, sometimes more. There’s people that will find the need to tell you that your baby should behave like an adult 🙄

My 10mo finds the booba at least 3-4 times at night, and it’s even more when he goes through growth spurs.

At the moment he’s going through one and it very much resembles to cluster feeding, and I’m producing more milk as a result.

Babies are very clever!
@nserchoftruth Ah yes, the manipulation explanation. They love saying that, but they never stop to think that a baby doesn’t have the capacity to communicate their needs in a calm and composed manner. Some adults even can’t, but babies are expected to
@benjamin2911 Right?! I was angry when she said it. Get real that a baby can manipulate - they are literally stating what they need. I understand as they get older, they may make connections about behavior, but he’s only 6 months old. 🙄
@nserchoftruth We didn't put our kids in their own rooms till they were standing safely in the crib in our room.
If you want you can try an in room crib to see if he sleeps better in it or not. If he doesn't he is still in the room with you and you can just bring him to the bed.
@nserchoftruth Babies sleep through the night when they’re ready my baby didn’t sleep through until she was 8-9 months old. She just all of a sudden had a switch flip and slept through don’t worry about it you’re doing great❤️
@nserchoftruth I coslept and breastfed for a year and she was still waking up multiple times a night to breastfeed at a year old. (Around a year I moved her to her crib and weaned her and she did fine and slept through the night on her own in just a few nights without CIO by the way!) It's very normal for breastfed babies to continue to nurse throughout the night even into toddlerhood. What's not normal is all the separation between mom and baby that has been normalized (sleep training, CIO, weaning early etc). I would see a different pediatrician or just not take their advice to heart because it's biased and not accurate! Also join some extended breastfeeding groups for support. You're doing great mama!
@godsentmyhusband Thank you so much for saying this! In my heart, I do not think it is normal to sleep train or CIO early. I think it is such a Western culture push and entirely inappropriate, although I DO understand why some Mamas choose it out of necessity. I appreciate your support!
@nserchoftruth I wouldn't trust anything that a pediatrician tells me about my baby's sleep if he is recommending cry it out. As soon as somebody recommends "cry it out" I know they know nothing about babies emotional well-being. I would be looking for another pediatrician too.
@nserchoftruth I had the same concern as you because my LO is still waking up every 1-2 hours everyday, and he is turning 7 mo this week. my paed who’s both a graduate from NUS & a certified lactation consultant explained that it is absolutely normal for babies to still do this, some up to 1 year old & older. they are not broken. they will develop in their own pace. that being said, she gave me some helpful tips - the only thing you should be worried about is the lack of sleep leading to the lower production of growth hormones. if your LO is growing well, hitting milestones well & happy, I wouldn’t worry about it. my paed also recommended me to cosleep with safety measures (la leche league for info). follow your intuition, ignore all noise, you are the best judge of your LO. you got this, mama.
@nserchoftruth I would possibly consider pushing feed later or longer stretches. Try to push him to 3-4 hours to start. Your sleep will also be better if u get a couple longer stretches. If he wakes for comfort feed before that time try to pat his bum, or softly rub his back. And encourage him to only feed when hungry, if you think it’s just a comfort feed try and get him back to sleep without a comfort feed. And yes your pediatrician is right “all babies sleep is abnormal” they would be so much easier if they would just sleep at normal times 🙃🤣🤣