What do you tell your pediatrician about sleep?

@yoshinat0r That can be SO normal especially at 3 months! There’s a lot of uneven sleep ahead, even for sleep trained babies in cribs.

I’m honest and just ignore the judgement. Mine is now 16 months and he may have 2-3 wakes for a quick feed still. On a bad night, if he’s sick or teething, it can go up to 4 again. My current ped told me he’s using me as a pacifier and shouldn’t need to wake for feeds anymore. I told her I understand. That was the end of that conversation.
@yoshinat0r It helped me to remember your pediatrician only knows what they know and it’s likely they are going to choose hyper caution > mother’s intuition for many reasons. Ultimately it doesn’t matter much what the forms say….your baby will soon no longer be a baby and no one will ever look at them again… But I get how it feels like you’re cheating on a test…. At the end of the day it’s your baby, your choice and if you don’t feel like defending your choices then don’t, or don’t be upfront/lengthy about it. And if they give you their opinion just say thank you and don’t let it invade your thoughts. Your intuition is powerful and you and your baby’s bond is sooo beyond data collection!
@yoshinat0r I'm an idealist that yearns for a better world, and for better or worse, think my actions contribute to the landscape. I tell the truth because I want the narrative to change and at least more accurately reflect the experience of mothers.

If all the doctors report everyone is sleeping solo, then that is the norm for new moms. And they will struggle as much as I did feeling like a failure when it can be unattainable without CIO. Not every mom will follow their instincts and babies as I am grateful I managed to do even as a 'rule follower'. The shame and guilt is real, so as someone who can 'take it' I'm going to shoulder it for all those new moms who can't, in the hopes it will create a better and more accurate narrative.

Hopefully giving those moms and babies at least a little more peace one day. And more accurate data means data that shows that co-sleeping can be safe too.
@yoshinat0r My pediatrician has never asked how we sleep, just how many hours my daughter is getting in a night. I think they feel that if wakes/sleep were an issue then I would bring it up to them, but I’ve never been asked about sleeping arrangements, thankfully.

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