New parent tip from pediatrician

@rhianne Ours is change, eat, play, sleep.

We were told to change first so she is fully awake for her feeding. Not really an issue anymore at 7m but we've stuck to that routine
@grandma5657 For my kid the order depends on the length of the nap. If she sleeps an hour plus, she wants to eat right away. If it’s a short nap she is usually happy to do 15-20m of play and then eat.
@grandma5657 I’ve always found that it happens intuitively. They usually wake up, need a change, then want to eat. Then they are happy and relaxed enough to play. Then they tire themselves out and are ready for a nap again.
@grandma5657 I’ve read that baby is most alert then so they will be a more efficient eater (instead of falling asleep while eating and maybe not getting all they need).
@rhianne Yup!

The first 2 months I was not concerned with our adult ideas of a "schedule". Babies don't have that idea and won't conform to it for a very long time lol.

Go with the flow, more so, go with babies flow!
@jeanista For sure - his feeds from about 1-6 are marvelous as he goes right back to sleep after eating. EASY has helped us keep some sanity during the day.
@rhianne Following the eat-play-sleep routine was a game-changer, along with following the wake windows. Made so much sense after I learned about that! But I love the addition of “Y” in this routine!
@rhianne Our approach is a bit odd but it works for us. We have been tracking his patterns on BabyTracker. So he will naturally get hungry every 2-3 hours, and get tired every 1.5-2 hours. Sometimes he eats then sleeps, sometimes the opposite. We just live our life on his schedule. But since we can see a rough pattern, we can plan to do things for ourself on his next sleep, etc. It also takes the guesswork out of his fussiness.