Pediatrician said baby sleep is abnormal

@nserchoftruth I dont think the waking is abnormal, however, maybe co-sleeping is making the baby wake more. That does happen sometimes, it didnt work with us cause it woke my baby more than he already was. He sleeps in his crib and i get him and feed/change him when he wakes. It helps him sleep better because he can more around more to get more comfortable without me waking and moving too, im not at all saying dont co sleep if you dont mind what’s happening now, but if you wanna try it and see if it makes a difference its also an option. I dont like the term ‘sleep train’ cause i never do the cry it out thing, im there when he cries but that works for us and not everyone
@nserchoftruth I had him in a side crib the first two weeks, then had him in his own room for three weeks then tried cosleeping for a week as he was waking every 2 hours and i was getting exhausted getting up all the time but co sleeping he would wake every hour or less so i started the crib again and once i put him back in the crib he started sleeping 4-8 hours, hes 4 months now and hitting the sleep regression but i probably wont go back to co sleeping because i cosleep his naps and hes way more fussy when i try to co sleep then when i let him be! I think he honestly just likes his space alittle as when hes with me he fights sleep because he just wants to play and see me but when i lay him in his crib hes not fighting it, he knows ill come whenever he needs as ive worked very hard to keep that a routine. Hes even getting good as if he half wakes he wiggles abit and goes back to sleep without needing me
@nserchoftruth I have my LO in a pack n play right next to my bed, so you can always try that. In the early weeks we co-slept. Now the first stretch of the night he honestly wants to be in his own bed and often falls asleep on his own looking at his mobile, never CIO, if he needs cuddled to sleep then he gets that, but he’s been sleeping very well being in his own bed because he has more room to sprawl out. After his second feed usually between 4/5 he doesn’t want to go in his own bed so he sleeps next to me until about 7:30/8:30.
@yeshua7777777kp That’s exactly right and it’s heartbreaking enough being away from them for so long. Yes, I’m super tired, but he’s only this little one time in his life and I just can’t imagine being away from him all day and all night. Thanks for understanding and hang in there 🩷🩷🩷.
@air_scythe I agree. They did say they would try, but it doesn’t seem to happen. I might try putting him down for short nap from 5:30-6 and move his bedtime to 8 and see if that helps?
@nserchoftruth My 19 month old has only recently started “sleeping through the night” and that looks like 7:30-5:30, nurses, and cuddles until 6:45. She’s nursed at least once a night until 18 months and now she’s working on dropping the middle of the night feed. (I’ll count 5:30 as a wake up feed since she doesn’t nurse again after that until nap.)

I think there isn’t anything wrong with waking up as long as it still works for you. At my big age, I don’t sleep through the night and I don’t really expect it of her.
@nserchoftruth You don’t have to night wean unless you want to. My pediatrician didn’t even bring it up until 9 months, and it was very “hey if it’s something you want to do, she’s capable of getting enough calories in the daytime to not need to nurse at night.”

I didn’t start attempting to night wean until 15 months, because I did think it was hindering her sleep at that point, she was constantly looking for a comfort boob, like less than every hour waking up for it. There were times I genuinely thought she was hungry, and other times I realized she was just thirsty. Now when she nurses overnight it’s on days she didn’t eat much dinner, but I know it’s a totally different ball game with 6 month olds. I think she was probably still waking every 2-3 hours at that point.
@nserchoftruth My baby is about to be 9 months and I don’t think she’s ever fully slept through the night. There are some nights where she only wakes 1-3 times and others where she wakes more often. Potentially during sleep “regressions” or teething pain. I am home with her all day and she naps every 2-4 hours now. I think all babies are different and it’s normal for baby to wake up a few times a night. Even as an adult I go through periods of time where it’s more difficult to sleep or I wake more frequently.
@nserchoftruth You are doing absolutely nothing wrong. My baby will be two in August and he still wakes up about twice a night to nurse. He sleeps best when he's in bed with me but always start him out in the crib so I can get some time to stretch out on my own. What you're describing sounds totally biologically normal.
@nserchoftruth Mine was up every 1-2 hours to comfort feed. I work full time and was exhausted and not rly functioning, so I did CIO but hated it. He now sleeps 9-4, I then let him cosleep, and then has 2 more wakeups hntil 9 am.

If I could handle it I would keep cosleeping and comfort nursing. Good for you!
@nserchoftruth 4.5 months. I did sleep training right at 4 months. He now goes about 7 hours straight and I wake him up about 1.5 hours into his sleep for a dream feed. I do comfort myself by saying maybe the uninterrupted sleep is better for him