do you tell your pediatrician?

@kbethmoore I actually think it’s extremely common, but like your doctor, many shame others for it so it’s done privately. You should find another pediatrician. Plenty will support you.
@victorbess Fellow Canadian here. I told my doctor. She didn’t bat an eye. Her main concern at visits after that was if it was still working for both of us, which is a good thing to check I think.
@tjschaffer Our doctor asked about the sleeping situation at the 10 day visit (or one of the first couple, it's a blur now lol) and it wasn't a lie to say bassinet at that point, and they haven't asked again. If they were to ask me I would probably tell them the truth, partially because I trust they wouldn't judge me, and partially because I'm just not good at thinking on my toes and am so obvious when lying there'd be no point 😅
@tjschaffer My pediatrician didn’t bat an eye. Just suggested that if she’s a restless sleeper and it bothers me that around 6 months old I may wanna transition to crib. I probably will wait closer to the 2 year mark tho
@tjschaffer My pediatrician suggested it when I started falling asleep breastfeeding at 5 weeks. We reviewed all of the guidelines and executed everything as advised. We stopped bedsharing most of the night because LO and I sleep better with LOninnthe crib around 3 months. We still do some mornings if she isn't settling, after dad goes to work and still bedshare when we travel. The pediatrician knows all of this. They said it is safer that falling asleep on our child or falling asleep and dropping our child.
@tjschaffer My ped never asked, but I don’t think most of them where I live do (Western Europe). Almost every new mom I know bedshares, even doctors. It’s just much more commonplace here.
@tjschaffer Yep. I'm pretty open about cosleeping. :)

I wasn't at first. Soon enough, I felt pretty confident about safe bedsharing. Unless she can fall asleep on her own, then I don't see it going away anytime soon, and we're past the SIDS risk. (She's just over a year old.)
@tjschaffer The first ped we had (didn’t last longer than 1 appt) I lied because I was done hearing him tell me what to do with my baby.

Our current & very loved ped asked on our very first appt, told her yes we do & gave some details about how we safe sleep before she could even ask. She smiled and said okay. Somewhere in the appt she let me know that I’m the parent, she’s the doctor, she will give me her recommendations but will support me whatever I decide because we are a team & she has my back.

THIS is how it should be.
Find a pediatrician you don’t have to lie to, one that can agree or disagree with what you’re doing, but as long as it’s not putting your baby in danger, she supports you & you don’t have to question it.

It might take a few different try’s but it’s so worth it & it’s just a relief & you feel understood & heard.

You’re doing great mama