Do you tell your pediatrician you’re bedsharing ?

@person47 I had also had bedshared and when I asked her what she did she told me that she told her ped because of her Dr had a problem with it then she wasn’t the right Dr for them. So I told mine. Her first question was if I was doing it safely. She then told me the safe sleep 7 song and thanked me for being honest with her.
@person47 Ironically, we only started cosleeping after 4 months, which is also when my ped stopped asking me about sleep, other than what she eats during the night. So I didn’t lie, I just didn’t update them. But they’re also pretty chill, so I think they’d be ok if I said? YMMV depending on your read of your doctor though.
@person47 My old pediatrician also seemed very rigid about things and I would always lie. I finally found a new pediatrician who does not judge me for the choices I make as my kids mother. She doesn't even ask where they sleep because she knows they are clearly well taken care of . Everyone should try to find someone who they don't feel judged by and feel safe around. It's such a relief going to get instead of someone who stressed me out!
@person47 Our first pediatrician asked and I lied to her by omission. She asked if baby sleeps in his own bed and I said oh yeah he sleeps in bed.
Our second pediatrician we switched to when he was about a year old and they only ever ask if we have any problems with him sleeping and never push further.
@person47 I don't tell the family doctor (we don't have pediatricians in my area), but I did tell my local nurse practitioner, who I deal with more often. She let me know she bedshared with all her children as well. Love her!
@person47 I’ve told my sleep consultant and nurse that I bedshare, and my nurse I saw during pregnancy recommended that I bedshare. I don’t mention it to doctors, as even though they are Asian and their parents and wife probably bedshared.. they’re usually men who are extremely judgemental lol
@person47 I lie too, I also bed share because none of us would be able to sleep if we didn’t. My LO has to sleep either on me or next to me with me either touching him or him holding on to a blanket. I will probably always lie to the pediatrician unless completely necessary. I don’t need a lecture on if it’s safe or not. It’s what works for me and my baby. I also feel like it’s natural for a baby to sleep with momma. It keeps them calm and helps them and me sleep better. Do what feels right!

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