do you tell your pediatrician?

@tjschaffer My ped’s PA just asked for the first time at LO’s 9 mo appointment. When I said she sleeps with us, she didn’t even acknowledge it which was a pleasant surprise lol. I always intended to lie about it to avoid the lecture but I’m a compulsive truthful lol
@tjschaffer We've been through four pediatricians so far. I didn't tell the first one because we hadn't started yet and he would have been judgemental and upset about it anyway. The second one I told and she didn't care at all once I told her we had researched the safe sleep seven. We only switched after that because we moved. Third one no because he lectured me the entire time about the fact that I was letting my daughter watch something on my phone since she was freaking out about being in a doctor's office. Fourth one yes and she didn't seem to care but by this point my kiddo was 18 months old so I'm not sure most pediatricians would say anything by that point.

I've always had better experiences with nurse practitioners. Every. Single. Time.
@tjschaffer We didn't start until around 6 months and at her next appointment I was honest and our pediatrician said "Well, she's not a newborn anymore. Just try to get her back in the crib at some point" She didn't even ask about it at the 1 year.
@tjschaffer I told mine, she didn’t ask. My PPD score is borderline clinical and I am in therapy.

As I was leaving, I brought it up. I said hey, I am cosleeping. If you tell me it isn’t safe, I will try to find another way. She said “sometimes you just need to survive.”
@tjschaffer I’ve lied so far. Sorta. My LO naps in her crib and starts the night in her crib. But at 9mo she still wakes frequently and upset so in order for me to get sleep I bring her to bed. Tried sleep training and I was getting no sleep and it was not good for my mental health. So when I said she sleeps in her crib I’m not lying exactly, just failing to include she also sleeps in our bed.

Now the ped did ask how often she wakes and if she nurses at night, which she does, and she recommended we work on cutting night nursing. Frankly I’m not worried about night nursing. Most nights it’s once or twice, more if she’s teething or not feeling well. And I sorta figured I signed up for that with breastfeeding. And we’re both half asleep when it’s happening anyways, in bed and side laying, so I’m not losing a ton of sleep over it.
@tjschaffer We told the first pediatrician and she basically yelled at us. We changed pediatricians after the first appointment (for multiple reasons) and this one is much more aligned with our values.
@tjschaffer Nope. I’m in CT and my LO’s pediatrician is very stern about following set rules. We have been bed sharing since 3 months old and it has helped me so much. I was struggling with PPA and PPD and actually getting sleep was so important. Now he’s 9 months old and we start his bedtime routine in his floor bed where he’ll sleep for maybe 3 hours and then if he’s too hard to get back to sleep in his bed then we bring him to our bed. The 3 hours to myself has also been a huge help. In the end, mom and dad are happy and baby is living his best life :)
@tjschaffer US (California) and we lied! If there was less judgement and aggression in the way they talk about sleep in general, I think I would have liked to have been upfront about but just the way they even asked about sleeping was so loaded. It doesn’t feel comfortable sharing.