Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

@christopher000 We are a carrying species. Human newborns are basically meant to live at the boobie buffet. Why is this concept so hard for pediatricians to understand. If they're gaining well, if they're happy, if they're pooping and peeing enough and have no health concerns, there's no need to change the way they're feeding. Pacifiers are convenient for sure but I'm never gonna blame a baby who doesn't want one lol the evolutionary masterpiece is the boob, not the paci.
@martypdji Haha, that was my husbands go to, he would try to soothe kiddos, but from newborns until about 2 months old, it was boob fixes all, 😆. But he took care of the dirty diapers, and bath time among other things so it worked
@mbeau88 I suspect this is one of those cases where a doctor knows something about formula feeding and is applying it to breastfeeding.

A breastfed baby quickly learns how to comfort feed without getting much milk at all. But that’s not possible on a bottle, so bottle fed babies can gain too quickly.

Breastfed babies who gain quickly generally are more likely to be slender adults. But bottlefed babies who gain quickly have higher risks of obesity.

The behaviour this baby is exhibiting is perfectly normal and healthy but if the mum was giving formula not milk, it might pose a problem.
@mbeau88 Look at pretty much any hunter-gatherer society and they'll all practice continuous feeding for their newborns. It's how we evolved as a species, and it's still practiced around the world. It's perfectly natural.

And it's why I'm frustrated that people made me feel inadequate because my son wanted the boob once or twice an hour during the day. Apparently that's perfectly normal, but it took an anthropology class to figure that out.
@ballywho Yes absolutely. I have an obsession with human anthropology as it pertains to the beginnings of life, infant feeding and mother-infant sleep. Most of what we're taught is just not biological these days.
@christopher000 Doctors have very little training in breastfeeding (unless they seek more training and certifications out). The general rule that "you cannot overfeed a breastfed baby" definitely applies here. If your baby wants to use you for comfort, thats normal... their whole world was just turned upside down. Also babies cluster feed for a lot of reasons, including increasing your supply. If this is happening in the evening then its also the "witching hour" and fussiness is generally peaking right now (6ish weeks) and there is absolutely nothing wrong with meeting your babies needs by comfort nursing/allowing them to cluster feed!!!!!

YOUR GUT IS RIGHT! feed that baby :)
@grace2018 I've commented this before in a similar thread but I attended medical school in the past five years and there was absolutely zero content / education on breastfeeding.
@l22 It’s pretty wild, it would be fine if most doctors would just own up to the fact that they don’t know. It shouldn’t be that hard to say “I’m not an expert on breastfeeding, here is how you can access an IBCLC and here are some places to look online”

My first pediatrician was pretty adamant I don’t let my baby use me as a pacifier… let’s just ignore the fact that pacifiers are literally trying to imitate human nipples.