Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

@grace2018 One of the things I like about our pediatrician is that when I’ve asked his advice on something breastfeeding related he gives a general answer and always follows up with “but you should also ask a LC.” I asked once about if something was normal with her latch and he said “you should ask a LC.”
@grace2018 I was so so happy our ped had an IBCLC jump in on our first office visit, it seriously is one of the things that made my breastfeeding journey successful.
@l22 I'm glad to see this. I'm a CLC and student midwife and it's really disheartening how prideful and plain wrong some physicians and even nurses can be about the care of infants and breastfeeding relationships. IMO we are responsible for knowing what the evidence says and putting it into practice and pushing for our organizations (ACOG, AAP, ACNM, etc) to stay up to date. If we don't, who will? And then our patients suffer.
@grace2018 YES my father is a pediatrician who until I had my first touted the "anything beyond the first 2 years is for the mother, not the is using you as a pacifier" nonsense. As soon as I started standing up to him and pointing out the AAP's recommendations on BF (which he had not updated himself on in like, 30 years), he took some continuing education courses on breastfeeding and now is an advocate for it with his patients. They literally don't know anything about it and dangerously talk with the confidence that they do.
@christopher000 I am no expert, but this seems outdated and kind of silly? I have always been told that you can’t overfeed a baby at the breast because babies will eat when they’re hungry and stop when they’re full, and if they somehow get too much, they’ll just spit up. My providers have all said that comfort nursing is completely normal and biologically/developmentally appropriate, and so is nursing to sleep. There are tons of other benefits to nursing other than just nutrition. There will come a day eventually where your baby will not want to comfort nurse any longer so as long as you’re both ok with how your nursing relationship is going, just do what feels right to you!
@martypdji Just out of curiosity, how old is baby when they no longer comfort nursing… asking for a friend (exhausted mama nursing for 11mos now!) I love my lo girl so much, I want her to be happy, but omg I’m so tired of nursing! I want to cry sometimes! I want my body back! I know this is best for my little baby girl, I just want her to no longer comfort nurse! I just don’t think she is going to be cool with this ever…
@emehri My 2.5 year old comfort nursed until he was weaned. It wasn't as frequent as those newborn days obviously, but there is no right or wrong time for them to be done comfort nursing.
@mbeau88 That’s awesome! I wish I had the strength for that long but I really don’t. I know that we both will be happier when we get some sleep at least! The all night buffet is killing me.
@emehri Oh I definitely did not allow endless comfort nursing through the night that long lol. I cosleep though, so when he would wake up, just a quick nursing session both laying there and back to sleep. That's how I managed to sleep. After he was like 18 months I only did quick nursing sessions in the night unless he was sick, then he could go as long as he needed. He did comfort nurse a lot throughout the day for a while though and I was tired of that. I almost found that more annoying than the night time nursing.
@mbeau88 I felt so sad and bad the day my daughter no longer wanted to comfort herself with my boobs 😭 but obviously happy that she's taking the next steps in her life. Still, I remember it well, she fell and hurt herself badly and I tried to give it to her but she didn't want it. 💔
@angeladawn85 I happened to take a photo of the very last time I fed my daughter because I got a letdown on my other boob and she was making direct eye contact with me and it looked funny so I took a selfie. She had been wanting direct from boob less and less anyway… but literally after that time she never wanted it again and 😭
@emehri My kids always comfort nursed. They needed it less as they got older but they still did it a few times a day. To settle down for naps or when they didn't feel good. They stopped comfort nursing when we weaned

If you want your body back, you can have it. Breastfeeding is a two person relationship and it has to work for both of you.

Feel free to wean when you are ready. Mine is 16 months old and I've started thinking about it. I'm not ready yet, but I will be. My kids would probably go on nursing as long as I let them. This is my third. I had to initiate weaning the first two. I'll probably have to with this one as well
@kidvindo Can you give some tips on the process? My 21 month old still nurses to sleep and 2-3 times during the night. On weekends she is constantly asking to be on the boobie and I’m really tired, but just don’t know where to start. She won’t take a bottle and tbh it’s more about comfort so replacing the feeds doesn’t really work 😩
@michaela7 Sorry, my kids were reluctant but not hard to wean. I just gave them sippy cups of pediasure when they wanted to nurse. They have a hard time gaining weight and the pediasure is really flavorful. I've seen lots and lots of posts about your situation with tips over the last eight years if you do a search. Sorry I'm not more help