What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

@cooooyote It is, however I feel this recent trend and popularity of it does heavily discount how negatively it can affect people.

I’ve smoked cannabis daily for years, started as a one hitter before bed, progressed to a few times a day (morning, lunch, and after the kids bedtime). Then I started working from home…
My usage went up a whole lot during Covid, the stress of the pandemic combined with not having to go anywhere and having an easy job that I can just zone out and work my way through was a bad combo.

I got to where I was going through a 1/4oz per week, I smoked probably 7-8 times a day, every time taking several bong rips.

Then this year happened, my wife quit her job and started her own business (which fucked us for 10 months before she finally realized it was a failing venture.) I was alone with the kids 85% of the time, and admittedly I was high a lot of it. I’m not remotely proud of it, but it is what it is.

I realized that the cannabis had been a major source of anxiety for me. I’d smoke to feel better, but end up even more anxious than before.

Then my wife and I are going through a very rough patch. She wants to separate, I’m trying to hold on. All of this sent my anxiety into hyperdrive, I was having regular anxiety or panic attacks, couldn’t focus on anything, couldn’t sleep, and anytime I smoked it made it all so so much worse.

So I went to the doctor and was prescribed an daily anti anxiety medication as well as something to take to help me sleep, and I cut my cannabis usage down dramatically, I only smoke one one hitter about twice a day now. But my anxiety is still hard to manage, it just feels worse when I stop weed all together. Wife and I are still going through shit, but I’m just working on trying to work on myself regardless of what she’s doing. She is like a different person now and it’s so unbelievably stressful for me. It’s like she has some good days where she’s happy and she shows me love and affection, but most of the time she’s like a shell of herself that has no emotion and can’t empathize with me at all.

I should also mention that I’m seeking out therapy (even though she isn’t yet, I’m taking the lead). My first session is Tuesday.
@cph NGL that 7-10 month old time was really rough for me. Kid wanted to move and got frustrated so often because he couldn't/wouldn't do something himself. Ended up having a conversation about gummies with my wife totally unrelated to the situation and decided we were both okay with use on a ruleset. It's helped me out a lot!

I only use it after the kid is sound asleep and there's another adult present. So it tends to look like a gummy no more than 10mg (usually only half of a 10mg or one of my other branded 5mg gummies) to relax and enjoy an evening after watching my kid all day. I'm the primary caretaker and while we are super active at home we don't get out & away during the week. It let's me relax from his now 2.5yr old antics throughout the day that may or may not drive me a little crazy at times.

How many times can you be asked to watch Brain Candy or a Thomas before sanity leaves you?
@cph I stopped drinking this year because I live in a legal state. I only imbibe after the kids are in bed, but as the kids get older that overlaps a bit. I find with cannabis I am less guarded, more casual, more gentle, and more forgiving. Can’t say the same if I was drinking. Also, cannabis can cause paranoia, so don’t worry. Sounds like you are using responsibly. Vaping is the best because you don’t smell like a 70’s hippie walking around.
@cph No issues here, I wish it were easier for me to get honestly, still illegal where I live for some reason. I will sometimes take a hit or an edible after the kids are in bed, stay up and make music for a bit, I think it's way better than alcohol.

I did have a chewable one time recently before putting my kids (7, 4) to bed, when my wife was away for the night. I ended up in both kids' rooms for way longer than usual, giggling about the dumbest shit... I wouldn't do that often but I thought it was a great bonding experience, lol.
@cph I enjoy a 1:1 5mg THC/CBD mint in the evening or a sip (about 2.5mg) of a liquid beverage to take the edge off. I find that it actually helps me be more present since my brain isn’t racing with anxious thoughts and is a low enough dose that I still feel clear headed and able to tackle any parental duties. I also have a high CBD vape that can be a nice clear headed energy boost on a Saturday afternoon. I don’t see it being any different than having a glass of wine with dinner and is certainly less problematic than heavy drinking.
@cph I generally smoke pot in the evenings after the kids are in bed, and on weekends I’ll smoke a little during the day but certainly never in front of the kids and my stash is locked up and out of reach. I only do this if my wife will be around in case of an emergency because I don’t like driving stoned and wouldn’t even consider it with kids in the car. Smoking pot makes it easier for me to be more patient and understanding, it makes it easier for me to have fun playing with Lego’s or reading books to the kids, I rather enjoy it and think that it probably enhances my abilities as a father. The key here is to always have a sober adult around in case of emergencies.
@cph As a fellow dad from the UK with anxiety - do the usual methods of dealing with anxiety not help at all? e.g. Breathing exercises/grounding/mindfulness/meditation/therapy. My main concern isn't the cannabis, it's the relying on medication.

I honestly know what it's like. I have random panic attacks and need to go to the toilet for 5 mins and do some heavy breathing just to function sometimes. Hope you find a good solution for you regardless.
@oxygenjoe It’s not really relying on it to curb my issues i think, I still have my anxiety during the day and low mood phases but don’t reach for anything to medicate them, just not drinking each night is giving me the ability to respond to issues with a more measured approach if that makes sense ?
@cph My drinking went to problem state very fast after my second child and a major career change. I had been sober for quite a few years when cannabis became legal where I live. I dabbled in a couple of different kinds, mostly for sleep and back pain. It does wonders for my mental health as well. My wife can actually tell when I have smoked because it instantly lifts my mood. I wish I had it available when my kids were born and I would have saved a lot of damage from problem drinking. But you have to be cautious anytime you are using a substance to numb, don’t gloss over whatever problem you are numbing to avoid.

My main caution with vapes are (and it may not be the same in the UK) the high THC vapes strip out or imbalance the terpenes and CBD that would come naturally with the plant. I know of a close friend that started having a lot of paranoid psychosis with high THC vapes. After researching, it turns out some people are more prone to it and especially those with pre-existing mental health issues like depression and anxiety. Try to find something that’s a hybrid with CBD and you should be safer. Not medical advice obviously but my personal/ shared experience.
@cph I’ve been wondering this myself as a soon to be dad (2 months) I love gaming as a hobby, mostly during the weekends. I went from heavy drinking while I would play to taking edibles. My wife wants me to stop when the baby gets here. I want to honor her wishes however as you described it is nice to just take the edge off. I would consider myself a functional high I can still complete normal tasks, never have driven while high I like my freedom to much to jeopardize it with something silly like that. Glad to see y’all prefer it over booze also in moderation.
@cph ...without judging you in any way and respecting your needs...

...have you looked at causes for needing substances in the first place (eg. external stressors -- you mentioned work, are there others or ways you can manage these stressors)? It seems like you're treating the symptoms rather than the causes of potential stressors based on needing increasing amounts, etc. I personally haven't heard about CBD therapies being used for depression (anxiety, yes; they do often go hand-in-hand). Not sure what your journey has looked like but if you haven't seen a therapist and engaged with CBT I'd recommend it. I know that it doesn't erase depression but it may help in conjunction with other medicinal/chemical therapies. You may want to meet with your physician and mental health team to discuss other options for treatment as well. There is increasing research coming out that helps address treatment-resistant depression that may be available and right for you.

In as far as vaping/cannabis use itself -- I don't see a harm in that as long as there isn't any second-hand exposure to the little one. I haven't yet seen any definitive studies that says there isn't a risk (the opposite, actually) to those around you and of course, risks your own health. Again, no judgment at all. Hope you can start to feel right again and have a wonderful, happy holidays with your family.
@robster1981 Thank you for your reply I have undergone cbt and therapy quite a few different times and currently am seeing a therapist weekly currently. It isn’t cbt it is thc that I have been prescribed from my doctor and they treat this medication as a last resort with multiple other avenues having needed to have been tried before cannabis is prescribed in the UK
@cph I think it's fine if you are able to be functional and remember the sweet memories. I stopped vaping and smoking, just edibles. It's a lot better for your health. I typically do it after the kids go to sleep. But if it helps you enjoy life better go for it
@cph Hello fellow vaporent!
I've got 3 kids. The pandemic and my third child took a number on my mental health and I started drinking at night, one drink at first, but when things started increasing from there and it turned into every night. When I tried cannabis, I had good luck with it taking the edge off my anxiety and helping my talked in the evening. I go comfort the kids if they wake at night and keep to a place where i can care for them as needed (my wife is around if we need to get a kid to a hospital, but i try to let her sleep without interruption if at all possible). I'm around 0.2g myself and have all but dropped alcohol (maybe a monthly drink).
Parents are people, and when properly moderated, I've found that cannabis can be a great help to my mental state when I'm feeling tired, trapped, and frustrated. It's easier to reflect on the root of these common parent feelings and move past them. It also helps me enjoy the little things and do more for the kids (example, i ended up stringing lights around the whole living room and had a great time doing it, where in the past my motivation to decorate has been minimal. The kids have been loving it.)
I'll eventually need to discuss with the kids, but hopefully not for many years. For now, i just keep it to when they're asleep or we have a family movie night or something. My 5YO has asked what i had in a bag once when i came home from a dispensary, and i said "stinky flowers" on one occasion, and when she asked why, i said it's "grown up medicine," and the conversation ended.
@cph Dad here of an 11 month old. You shouldn’t feed bad about smoking marijuana in 2022. Is their a stigma on smoking cannabis? Most definitely. Even if I didn’t live in a state where it was recreationally legal, I would still enjoy it. As long as your doing your duties as a father and are that type where you can function , do it up dude. When the baby goes down, light a doobie and decompress.
@cph I do not drink, but I do smoke and/or consume edibles here and there. I see no difference between the two substances as long as they're used safely and respectfully.
@cph weed is definitely less harmful than alcohol. I am sober from heroin, meth, booze and pot, but still encourage you and others to use weed over booze.

Can you not get gummies/edibles etc.? The only issue with the vaping is smell and your lungs.

Other than that by all means continue this move away form booze. Sounds very healthy. It is something I would do myself if I was able to moderate my drug intake lol