What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

@katrina2017 The consensus is that most are doing it when their children are in bed. Iv yet to use it in the day around my family, it is in my case something I’m given as legit medicine though and i guess this is where people may be should consider it not just a drug to get wasted on.
@cph I mean I think that’s ok. I saw a couple comments talking about enjoying playing with the kids while stoned, which I don’t agree with.
@cph If it helps you to better health, do it. A better you is also a better dad.
BUT: keep it literally under lock and key. Kiddos can grab and play with anything in a flash. Especially be careful with edibles (ooh! candy!). My brother-in-law didn't realize he'd left some out once and the dog (thankfully not little kid) got into it. Today's stuff is pretty strong, and what may seem like not much can be a lot for a small body to ingest. And to be safe, I'd treat smoking or vaping like it’s cigarettes in terms of second hand smoke/exposure.
@cph I spent most of my early adult life, 16-30 as a very heavy pot smoker. I didn’t have a lot of responsibilities outside of paying my rent and insuring my car.

Not that I have 2 kids, a big-kid job, mortgage, etc., I couldn’t imagine smoking regularly.

Kudos to those that can, but my days are so full that I honestly have zero time get high and veg out like I used to.
@cph I'll take half a gummy after the kid is asleep to help me relax in the evenings and sleep a little better. It's worth noting that cannabis is not completely risk-free, particularly one smoked, it's just that there's a lot less information on it because as a schedule 1 drug it can't technically be researched, though obviously it exists in a weird Gray zone where it's legal recreationally but technically federal funds can't be used for medical research on it.

That said, I think it's several steps above alcohol in terms of safety and what it does to people's mood and behavior, and several steps more above tobacco, both of which are available on every corner completely legally. Like everything else, in moderation and I personally wouldn't make a habit of it in front of my kids but done responsibly and if we go in your jurisdiction that's up to you.
@cph It’s going to depend a lot on you and how you respond to it. For my part, weed makes me incredibly anxious and paranoid. When I was in my teens and early twenties it was anxiety about being caught smoking weed, now it’s anxiety about being too high if there’s an emergency with my kids. Not a fun experience for me, so I just don’t bother.
@cph I use cannabis as a medication for back and shoulder pain. My choices were opiates or cannabis since physical therapy isn’t covered.

I treat it just the same as any other medication: keep it away from kids, don’t operate heavy machinery, and don’t glamorize it.

My wife is completely abstinent from inebriating substances (aside from a glass of wine maybe once a month, if I drink too) so she is always sober in case of emergencies.

Responsibly managed I don’t see any problem with it.
@cph I cut it out. Before my twins (2.5mo) were born and when they were in the NICU I had an edible gummy every night before bed. But the week before they came home I stopped it and have only had cannabis once since, while I was sick and in quarantine and not able to be near them. My mom gave me a gummy that time because her and my MIL were having them and it was no big deal, but I don’t agree with being high (or drunk) around my kids so I choose to be a sober dad.

May have a drink tonight though because I spent the day in the ER with them due to catching RSV for the second time and am fried.
@cph My general feeling (please note this is all gut, no science, happy to discuss and be proven wrong).

It depends on dosage. If you just did it for a buzz then I would likely raise an eyebrow, that you have been prescribed it in the UK (honestly didn't know it was available here), means that the doctor thinks you need it. That you went to a definitely unhealth coping mechanism to make up for it (from the way I read your post). I would say yeah, as long as its not around your kid, I'd likely change my clothes before handling them (my own paranoia) or at least my top.

By the sounds of it, its like an anti-anxiety med for you and I'd never comment on people taking those (within doctor recommended dosages) while being a parent.
@haniball Been legal for a few years, you need a history of failed medications and in my case had to demonstrate I had been to x amount of counciling sessions, it is then reviewed by a penal of doctors.
@cph I am mom and I guess fairly liberal but as long as you're doing it responsibly, which it sounds like you are, I'm good with it. I would ask that a designated adult be in standby on ICE, that it be out of reach of kids, they not be excited to any second hand effects, etc. But other than that I truly think it's a lot better than the effects of alcohol on most people, especially that low a dosage.
@cph Not much to add other than this; keep an eye on a potential slow decline in mental acuity.

I used to vape daily before bed (large quantities) and didn't notice the long term effects over time. This was over the course of 2 years or so.

Eventually got bored of weed and quit, and notice memory, mental acuity and ambition return.

Everyone is different obviously, but for me weed = ambition killer and that's a show stopper.
@cph I think stopping when the baby is born is extremely responsible. So way to go. After the kid is alive and kicking...idk, is the occasional smoke when they are in bed bad? Is having a few scorched after work bad?

It's subjective and idk what I will do when I have my kid, coming soon. I wouldn't want to be hammered because.if there's an emergency...but I also think weed can be better than getting drunk.

So..yeah, idk what I will do. It's an interesting question
stopped medial cannabis when baby was born now 10 months old and noticed I had increased drinking as self medication, moved back to cannabis vaping when baby is in bed to help with my depression etc what do others think of this type of use ?

I'm very pro cannabis and recreational weed, even though I hate the smell and way it makes me feel. That being said, it sounds like you have something underlying that might be worth working out with a therapist or councilor. At the end of the day, you're self medicating using substances, and that always runs the risk of getting out of control. So, I'd look inward and maybe find someone to talk to. But yeah I support the use of weed and wish you the best my dude
@cph Cannabis?! This dad don't think the kids should use it until they are 18 and have a job. And even then, dad tax still applies if it's smoked and stored at my house.
@cph Cannabis is way better for you than booze or even ssri from what I’ve seen. I’d only caution you to be careful when you do it. I’ve got a buddy that realized as his kids were about done with high school that he’d been stoned most of their lives. Weed is a disconnect, it’s a way to be there but not fully be there, if you get what I’m saying.

For me hitting a vape once the kids are in bed here and there is a lot different than being stoned while you’re hanging out with them. You can’t be fully present when you’re high.