What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

@katrina2017 Thanks for your reply, I couldn’t do the edibles thing buddy I can barely hack 0.1g in a vape and sometimes I don’t fully extract it. I’d never really smoked weed before this and the stories I read on here about edibles all be hilarious scare the shit out of me ever trying it in edible form haha
@cph Microdosing THC is super common and vaping is probably the best route to consume with kids in the home.

I’m a stoner tho, so I really don’t think there’s anything wrong with it.

In regards to a drink a night not helping, it’s because alcohol increases your baseline cortisol levels making you more anxious and stressed when not consuming
@katrina2017 An this is what the cannabis is helping, I just replied to someone else saying this but it’s like the cannabis is great at night to unwind from the bull shit meetings I’m in all day and because I’m not drinking to get the help it’s meaning the next day I can respond to my issues in a more measured way.
@katrina2017 My guess is there's some worry about edibles that look like typical food that a kid might eat, like brownies sitting out on the counter next to the regular brownies, or gummies they might see somewhere and think they're candy.

But yeah, when I have edibles they're in a childproof container on the top shelf of the pantry. It's not hard to reliably keep things away from little kids without locking them up.
@katrina2017 It’s not. I take controlled substances (adderall) and I’d rather my kid not get in either, but if he did I’d rather it be a gummy

(I don’t use marijuana though, but support it as medicine)

You’d be just as messed up eating heart meds vs poison, probably more so
@sharehisword Funny you say this iv just out curiosity looked at it and the micro dose thing. Thing is iv never been a user of drugs even younger it was something that always to be honest scared me, I think mushrooms and the possibility of it being a hugely negative experience is something I should avoid. I can just about enjoy small amalimts of thc and even then I’m extremely weary of how much I have. Basically I think I’m to much of a scaredy cat for them ahahaha
@cph If I can be honest with you I think the THC and alcohol are both extremely problematic, because of your chronic use, even at low levels.

Shrooms are scary, I guess, but they're not like LSD (always in your system) opiates (addictive) or other drugs that have lasting effects.

They're truly non addictive, but also transformative. If you do decide to look at this I'd do a lot of research of their effects on mental health / depression. There's a lot of science being done in this area.

I'd also grow your own, so you don't get something like shrooms that have been sprayed with LSD.

Growing your own is super easy.
@sharehisword Big doses changed my life forever. I really got my bc shit together after like 5 hard trips. Microdosing never did much for me. I like to get in the trip chamber once a year. Therapy is essential as well
@cph What what I’ve heard is depression comes from feeing trapped in your own thoughts and repeating the same thoughts. Introduce psychedelics they help open your mind to new ideas and new look on life. I don’t know the actual science behind it.
@cph I grew my own with some friends and we did them a handful of times.

Really positive experiences that helped me process and let go of some past trauma that was haunting me.

I just felt different in a meaningful and lasting way afterwards.

I'm sure there's scientific studies on this, I've seen some posted in the science sub reddit, but I don't know the data, I'm speaking purely from anecdotal experience.

Edit Here's an example of the science being done on this-

@cph I don’t drink if I might have to be responsible for my kid (so like last time I drank was like a Friday night where my wife was off and taking primary overnight duties) but I don’t drink much anyway so that’s not a big deal. Cannabis remains federally illegal so even though it’s locally legal and readily available in my jurisdiction, I don’t touch it. If it was federally legal I might have a tipple once and a while but it would be even more thank drinking only if and when I had no expectation of caregiver responsibilities.