Guys my mother is possibly the worst person in my life

@abelthecomp Onion juice in the ear .. I SWEAR it works!! It only takes a few hours for no more infection ..Google it .. there's even a Cambridge University study and paper on it. It's absolutely magic.
@cait919 She’s already low contact. We live 3 states away. She’s been no contact for a long time and recently I gave her some low contact when my son was born but I might just have to step away again. Ugh.
@abelthecomp I highly recommend listening to Mother Mayhem podcast -it’s about dealing and coping mechanisms for daughters of narcissistic mothers. Part of it it the gaslighting from the mom that you are always in the wrong and this podcast helped me realize that she has issues.. What you described here sounds like my mom
@abelthecomp The ignorance of mom's like this. My mom is the same, so I feel. It's like the world of Facebook is the real world and the outside REAL world isn't as important as those FB likes.
So sorry to hear that and I understand the anxiety of looking at a text or a message you've received that starts like that. You almost continually dread the next text coming in because it could be anything that you didn't even do to make her mad.
Stay strong and take care of your own! Remember she's acting out of selfishness and most likely jealously like others have stated. It's hard to ignore, but sometimes it's just the right move to turn your phone off to messages :)
@abelthecomp Old people who are on Facebook still look to Facebook as their primary social- likes and comments are what make them feel like people are connected to them. Gotta remember that when facebook came out it was an ‘exclusive’ thing- only for a select number of colleges. Then it slowly expanded and was the first really well designed social media platform that the boomers learned how to use and interact with (sorry MySpace… you were not intuitive enough for the boomers). This is what they know, trust, lean on. And we, their kids and grandkids, fall into this.

(There is a reason why 18 year olds are on Facebook- to stay in touch with grandma)