What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

@cooooyote It is, however I feel this recent trend and popularity of it does heavily discount how negatively it can affect people.

I’ve smoked cannabis daily for years, started as a one hitter before bed, progressed to a few times a day (morning, lunch, and after the kids bedtime). Then I started working from home…
My usage went up a whole lot during Covid, the stress of the pandemic combined with not having to go anywhere and having an easy job that I can just zone out and work my way through was a bad combo.

I got to where I was going through a 1/4oz per week, I smoked probably 7-8 times a day, every time taking several bong rips.

Then this year happened, my wife quit her job and started her own business (which fucked us for 10 months before she finally realized it was a failing venture.) I was alone with the kids 85% of the time, and admittedly I was high a lot of it. I’m not remotely proud of it, but it is what it is.

I realized that the cannabis had been a major source of anxiety for me. I’d smoke to feel better, but end up even more anxious than before.

Then my wife and I are going through a very rough patch. She wants to separate, I’m trying to hold on. All of this sent my anxiety into hyperdrive, I was having regular anxiety or panic attacks, couldn’t focus on anything, couldn’t sleep, and anytime I smoked it made it all so so much worse.

So I went to the doctor and was prescribed an daily anti anxiety medication as well as something to take to help me sleep, and I cut my cannabis usage down dramatically, I only smoke one one hitter about twice a day now. But my anxiety is still hard to manage, it just feels worse when I stop weed all together. Wife and I are still going through shit, but I’m just working on trying to work on myself regardless of what she’s doing. She is like a different person now and it’s so unbelievably stressful for me. It’s like she has some good days where she’s happy and she shows me love and affection, but most of the time she’s like a shell of herself that has no emotion and can’t empathize with me at all.

I should also mention that I’m seeking out therapy (even though she isn’t yet, I’m taking the lead). My first session is Tuesday.
@cph NGL that 7-10 month old time was really rough for me. Kid wanted to move and got frustrated so often because he couldn't/wouldn't do something himself. Ended up having a conversation about gummies with my wife totally unrelated to the situation and decided we were both okay with use on a ruleset. It's helped me out a lot!

I only use it after the kid is sound asleep and there's another adult present. So it tends to look like a gummy no more than 10mg (usually only half of a 10mg or one of my other branded 5mg gummies) to relax and enjoy an evening after watching my kid all day. I'm the primary caretaker and while we are super active at home we don't get out & away during the week. It let's me relax from his now 2.5yr old antics throughout the day that may or may not drive me a little crazy at times.

How many times can you be asked to watch Brain Candy or a Thomas before sanity leaves you?

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