What’s you guys opinions on cannabis ?

@cph No issues whatsoever. Sounds like it makes you a better dad, so I don’t know why the hesitation. It’s definitely better than alcohol.
@flmom Yeah the alcohol felt great at the time just 3 beers but the next day I felt like complete shit. Forget about even trying to go and work out or just have a positive outlook.
@cph Don’t look at it like alcohol. It’s your medicine if used as medicine. Alcohol is a solely recreational drug

I take adderall for adhd, but it’s a far cry from taking a zoot of speed Yknow? Don’t feel guilty even a second, your kid would rather dad feel better
@cph If it helps you and it doesn’t affect your kiddo, then go for it. Everyone can use a puff now and then.

From what you described it’s a huge help, so why would you not do what you can to make your life better?
@ilovegodalmighty I agree but it’s just it still being an illegal drug for recreation here and having a baby it’s not accepted in any way here like it is In a lot of places, I don’t know I guess it’s my own weird hang up I needed to go get validation on.
@cph Use it responsibly and you’re fine. Personally I’ve never been a big drinker and never really got into weed. But you do you man. If it helps, then go for it.
@cph I don’t partake, but I don’t have a problem with it at all. I think it’s a crime that it’s not legalized, yet we can go get a handle of alcohol without a second look and kill ourselves or others in a crash. Not saying that I advocate drunk driving, just the fact that alcohol is so damaging, but looked at as socially acceptable and cannabis involvement = degenerate drug addict is bonkers to me.

If you’re not getting so stoned you forget you even have kids, I don’t have an issue. I think getting a little stoned and making a fort with your kids, or nearly any activity for that matter, would probably be more fun that I could imagine.
@cph I smoke cannabis from the time I wake up to the time I go to sleep. Treat it as a medicine and keep it away from your kids until theyre older. Other than that it really doesnt matter.
@cph I smoke and hang with my 3 month old, as do a few of my friends with their kids. Its no big deal, i just always make sure one adult is sober so someone can drive if need be

But as long as you can take care of the kid then who cares
@cph There's nothing wrong with it if you're being safe about it. If you're wanting to avoid couch-lock there are lots of different strains with different terpene profiles that can affect you differently, there are also similar adjacent products like Delta-8 that won't have the psychoactive effects but still have thc derived from hemp. It's been proven that CBD without THC does nothing for chronic pain, but maybe it can still help with anxiety, though there is full spectrum CBD that does have trace amounts of THC.

You might also want to look into something like a dab pen, it has little to no smell comparatively to flower, so it's easier to hide and keep things stealthy. Just don't ever use anything in front of your kid obviously, especially a device or smoking implement.
@cph They don't have to be, and delta-8 dabs feel like diet weed, but you might just have to wait until the market catches up where you are located. Some places have been innovating cannabis tech for over a decade here while other places are still completely in the dark ages.
@cph Cannabis user here. Father of a 10 month old. I had quit when my daughter was born, but I picked it back up when she was 3 months old. I suffered from anxiety/depression most of my 20s and weed is what helped me get off the pills that almost killed me trying to quit cold turkey.

Its very hard for me to be present when I smoke, so I’ve been (trying) to smoke at night after she goes to bed. Sometimes I fail, but that’s okay. I’ve come a long way from how much I used to smoke. The other day I felt like she knew I was high and it kind of tripped me out. That could just be me overthinking it.

I don’t think there’s anything wrong with it. Just don’t let it come first before your child.
@cph I disagree with the consensus here. I used to smoke regularly in my teens and 20s too.

Marijuana shouldn’t be used around kids. Period. It’s fine after they go to bed or on a night out, but not while the kids are awake and being active.

I also think majority of days should be completely sober.

I’m not an uptight individual either. I drink regularly and smoke on occasion.