Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

@christopher000 Colic? If so, do what you need to do for comfort & survive. I don't think there's a problem with them gaining weight quickly, right? Too young to make "bad habits". Breastfeeding is about more than nutrition, & is for comfort.
@christopher000 Just curious- how does baby sleep at night?
Both my kids cluster fed majorly-from 5-9pm constantly- BUT the both slept super long stretches at night. My Pediatrician said as long as it wasn’t too much for me, it was fine
@christopher000 In short, this is absolute bollocks. Unless you have copious oversupply caused by a medical problem or excessive pumping, you can’t overfeed a breastfed baby. Scheduled feeds at this age has been shown to lead to slow weight gain.
@christopher000 whats wrong with providing comfort to your baby through nursing? whats wrong with letting your baby have a snack? If you are happy, let those tits out girl! I nursed on demand with both kids. I recall hit 33 feeds one day. My kids are fine, healthy, and weaned now. that type of crazy nursing all day doesnt last forever

saying not to nurse for comfort is like saying "youre spoiling the baby by holding her too much". its stupid.
@christopher000 I wish I hadn't listened to my male pediatrician who told me I should only be nursing every 2-3 hours. Not sure if it would have made an impact on my supply or not but at least I'd be able to rule it out if I had followed my instinct instead of his "advice".