Pediatrician says I’m nursing my 4 week old too often - not sure what to do

@christopher000 Umm what, I would personally disregard that advice unless your baby is legitimately overweight. Let the baby decide when they’re hungry. 3 weeks isn’t the only growth spurt, they’re going through them constantly. My 2 month old has been cluster feeding all day and actually guzzling it down, not just falling asleep. Twice today he’s drained both breasts back to back. And he does comfort nurse quite often and I let him every time.
@christopher000 Comfort nursing isn’t a bad habit. Some breastfed babies gain weight very quickly at first but it evens out later and they’re less likely overall to be overweight later. There’s no issue here. I recently had another NP tell me my daughter uses me as a pacifier. I told her that if anything babies use pacifiers as a boobs substitute, since that’s what they were made to simulate, not the other way around. My babies don’t take pacifiers, so they stay a lot on the breast. All babies are different. My 12 month old gained very fast at first and it evened out when she started crawling. If you and baby are happy and healthy, all is good.
@christopher000 It is very normal for babies to clusterfeed in the evenings. Your milk supply can be lower then and it can cause them to be fussy. Plus, all the nursing will help your overall supply as it regulates. In regards to the weight, both of my boys gained 3 lbs during their first month. My boys are 5 years apart and had different pediatricians during the newborn stage and neither of them raised concerns about gaining weight too fast.
@christopher000 I nurse my baby as much as his heart desires (roughly every hour). I'm with him the majority of the time. He is doing well. We saw the pediatrician today and she said baby is doing well. He is now 9 months old. If I were you I would look into getting another pediatrician.
@christopher000 This is so normal. My boy used to be on the boob for 3 hours at a time. It doesn’t last long! It’s the best thing for them to be on the breast as often as they like the first couple months. Most peds are quite useless when it comes to lactation, you’re best to speak to an IBCLC.
@christopher000 I was concerned that my baby was “cluster feeding” since birth for 2 whole months. I swear it never ended. I asked her pediatrician and she said baby knows what she needs so continue feeding on demand. At around 3 months she started feeding every 2-3 hours on her own! Keep feeding your baby!
@christopher000 My daughter was born at a similar weight and at her one month appointment, she was at 8 lbs 6 oz. At her two month appointment, she weighed 11 lbs 12.5 oz. Her pediatrician didn’t say he thought I was over feeding her. He was actually thrilled with her weight gain and told me to keep it up. He is in the “you can’t overfeed a breastfed baby camp” and wanted her to put on weight since she was in the 3rd percentile at birth (she’s now in the 53rd percentile). So, it’s interesting how two pediatricians have totally differing views! I’m no doctor, but I would also say keep doing what you are doing and that your baby’s behavior is normal!
@christopher000 My son wasn’t gaining weight as rapidly as my ped would have liked. They suggested me a routine around my breast feeding (combo fed) that honestly sounded like a lot of extra work and sounded ineffective. It included lots of pumping and I worried that the regiment that they suggested would tank my mental health more. So I disregarded what they suggested and followed my gut. Glad I did because focusing on a routine I thought would be best resulted in a jump in weight in just one week. Part of my baby’s “problem” is that his birth weight is inflated due to 49 hrs of IV fluids. So really the growth curve that was initially starting to be established was incorrect. Always listen to your gut. Advocate for your baby. If she wants boob and you want to give her boob then give her boob.
@christopher000 Once I listed to my pediatrician who told me I was nursing my 6 month old too much…. She literally went from sleeping well to up every hour and half!!! She was like if you refuse me boob during the day I will take it at night!!! Went back to feeding her how we wanted, she went back to sleeping at night. Sometimes you have to listen to your baby, not your pediatrician. Unless your pediatrician is going to come comfort your baby do what you gotta do!!
@christopher000 I had a nurse tell me the same thing around 4-5 weeks old. I tried to space out her feedings as recommended and all I ended up with was an incredibly angry and hungry baby and a very very stressed out few days! It was a disaster!

Keep feeding your baby!

My girl seemed to cluster feed daily up until 3.5 months old. She tracked her weight curve perfectly and is doing fantastic.

She’s 5.5 months now and eats every 3-4 hours for about 10-15 mins each time.
@christopher000 I read the title. Tell your pediatrician to fuck off and find a new one. Sorry this isn’t more helpful but that’s really all the depth there is to that. A baby can not be fed/nurtured/loved too much and a pediatrician that wants to tell you that has something else wrong.