Pediatrician ok’d LO be frontward facing for hip seat carrier at 2.5 months and now I’m worried


New member
LO was always a high needs baby and screamed whenever he was babyworn inward facing. He would not stop screaming unless he was held outward facing. Due to this, husband developed mommy wrist. Pediatrician recommended a hip seat carrier like tush baby and we would hold him up under his ribs while carrying him around to satisfy his preferences. At 3 months she ok’d frontward facing for his ergo.

LO is now 5 months old and meeting his milestones fine. But I can’t help but worry I messed up his spine and hips forever cause I had him in the front facing position too early.
@jven79 I wouldn't expect a pediatrician to be super well versed in baby wearing to be honest. They already have so much to know on top of keeping up with the dozens of baby wearing options. There are always certified baby wearing experts you can find online to ask.
@jven79 It’s fine on the hip seat because you’re holding him like you would with your body. It’s not ideal in the ergo. You likely caused no harm.
@jven79 If LO is ok now, they are ok now. You trusted your pediatrician, which is a logical thing to do. Because pediatrician aren’t babywearing experts, they can make recommendations sometimes that don’t make sense to some sections of babywearing. But it sounds like you did your best, honestly. I wouldn’t beat yourself up over it.

What I do recommend is looking into what babywearing educators specifically have to say about forward facing. Here is an article with a fairly balanced take.
@jven79 I would think a TushBaby is more like holding them outward facing in your arms. The carriers forward facing are a lot different and strain their hips more.
@jven79 Pediatricians know a lot about infants, babies and kids when it comes to their health and also to their development (not on all aspects of development though).

They don't know anything about babywearing, car seats or even breastfeeding. Some claim they know but usually they don't or they have outdated knowledge on this. (for example I've read and heard many times "our pediatrician said it's OK to forward face our large one and a half year old in the car".)

And edit: your baby will be fine. Don't stress too much about it.
@jven79 I mean your babe is honestly probably fine but I would go buy a ring sling and do a hip carry! My daughter loves this and can still fully see out into the world. Don’t feel too bad. When you know better your do better so now you know and you’ll be a better parent because of it! Sending you love.
@jven79 Pediatricians don’t get training on baby wearing. I would really question whether she actually has expertise in this area and if so where did she get it
@jven79 While your pediatrician may not know much about babywearing, she does know about your child's health. If there was something wrong with his hips, she would tell you.

If she hasn't told you that there is something wrong with his hips, you haven't screwed up his hips.
@jven79 My baby just turned 5 months & I also did not know about the front facing rule until maybe 2 weeks ago :( when we know better, we do better! She even fell asleep forward facing which I now know is a big no-no. Solidarity. You’re a great parent!
@jven79 We did the same. Baby girl is now 18 months and so far ahead of all her milestones, perfectly healthy and happy. She started walking at 10 months and full on running not too long after. Obviously she's still little, but neither we nor our paed are concerned.
@jven79 Your pediatrician fucked up. How often were you putting him in front-facing? Hopefully not for more than 15-20 minutes at a time? (it is not ok for longer than that at ANY age) Were you always getting the correct M leg shape as shown here with the Ergo?

Hopefully you have totally stopped and are either not babywearing or only babywearing in a correct inward facing M shape?
@neostarwcc This is a first time mom, that trusted the pediatrician.

Theres no need to be so harsh. She's already stressing about it. She's here to seek advice. While your link and advice is valid, the tone doesn't read very nicely. I'm sure in a face to face conversation it sounds different and nicer but this is written words which is hard to interprete right. 😊
@neostarwcc I just found out about all this. 😭 we didn’t use the ergo nearly as much as the tushbaby til 4 months but def it was for 20-30 min at a time. Thankfully I think we at least got the M shape down. I’m going to switch to inward facing now.