Pregnancy pillows are overrated

@hoop I heard a lot of mixed reviews so actually got mine second hand off Facebook marketplace. Definitely think it helps me get more comfortable - I would for sure drop the $20 to buy it again in a heartbeat, but probably not the $80+ to buy the same thing new, as you can mimic the effect with normal pillows anyway.

Also people tend to be hesitant getting pillows/linen second hand, but for pregnancy pillows in particular, most women seem to only use them for a few weeks well into their 3rd trimester, so honestly I wouldn't hesitate to go second hand again.
@hoop I had two a U shaped one (didn’t work at all was uncomfortable) and a friend lent me her l shaped one and it worked a little . What helped me the most was a wedge pregnancy pillow under my bellow and another pillow between my
Knees. I used a throw blanket behind my back for extra support.
@hoop I can't even use mine since sleeping on my side makes me wake up with literal stomach acid in my throat. So I have to sleep with three pillows at my back so I stay elevated.
@hoop Yeah I didn't care for mine. What worked for me was having 2 comforters, one for bunching up in front of me, under the belly and between the knees and one as a regular blanket. Then when I'd roll to the other side I'd bunch up the other one til it was comfy and then pull the previously bunched up one back over top. Lol. Hubby and I always sleep with separate blankets anyway.
@hoop I bought a $150 pregnancy pillow that I liked for about 2 weeks then it gave me headaches somehow. I’ll be using it for PP cuz it helped me hold and feed my niece comfortably. I basically use a wedge now that just supports my stomach and a pillow between my knees
@hoop I hate mine— shaped like a big C and takes up a third of the bed and the cat claims it as hers whenever it makes a debut. Much prefer to use three pillows strategically, and this little wedge thing a friend gave me for directly under my belly. The wedge provides support but is easy enough to move around under the covers if I need to switch sides. I’m a back sleeper so having to convert to my side these last few months has been torture.
@hoop I just surround myself with all the pillows in the home (8-10). They work fine for me. I look at the pregnancy pillows and they just don’t look worth the money (I’m cheap😂)
@hoop I’m 5’ and pre pregnancy about 95lbs. I also have one arm.

There are no pregnancy pillows for smaller people. Every pregnancy pillow I try, it makes me feel like I’m just being overwhelmed and feel panicky.

This is my third pregnancy. I’ve given up. I just use a bunch of different types of normal pillows.