Pregnancy pillows are overrated

@hoop I had one with my first pregnancy. Will not do it again, just takes up too much room. Plus now I have a 2 year old in my bed and I wouldn’t be able to snuggle him if that behemoth were still in there. I did get a little between the leg pillow and that has helped.
@hoop Okay I felt the complete same exact was up until like 32 weeks. I don’t use it all night long usually but it helps me fall asleep I almost got rid of it bc I hated it so much, but I’m so glad I didn’t.
@hoop I feel ya! It’s nice to have, but, it doesn’t help if you have to get up to pee every 30minutes lol also, I have an old injury to my neck (minor fracture from ‘09), and I use a special pillow. The pregnancy pillow doesn’t offer the support to my neck that I need, and it’s entirely too big to try and use it just for my lower region. I find it most useful when I’m lounging around on the couch watching TV; or like when I’m sitting up and reading a book. I can’t sleep all night with it. The few times I did, neck was in so much pain the next morning.
@hoop 😂 I love mine.. I tried just sleeping with the extra pillows on my bed and it wasn't enough. My hips are still in terrible shape but they're at least better with the body-snail-pillow than without. (Though I honestly hate how bulky and awkward it is. I have on occasion just kicked it right off the bed.)