Plus size pregnancy

@thundergirl96 5’2” and 230 at the beginning of my pregnancy. I work with an OB and an MFM (not due to obesity I don’t think, more due to some other preexisting conditions I have) and it’s been pretty smooth sailing so far. They have me checking my blood pressure and blood sugar pretty aggressively but that’s all been normal which has been a nice reassurance. I might be high risk? I don’t know because nobody has used that phrase with me. I feel very safe and taken care of by both of them. I’m 20 weeks. Don’t be afraid to change doctors if the vibe is off! I got lucky but would’ve done that in a heart beat. Good luck!!!

Eta - nobody has mentioned my weight positively or negatively, and neither doctor has given me an amount I need to stay under. Last doctors visit I’ve gained about 5 lbs total, that was at 18 weeks. The hunger has really ramped up so that may change at my next visit
@thundergirl96 Congratulations to you as well!
Not one person has said anything about my weight or anything, just very nice about it for example they were like ‘just because you’re a tiny bit over on BMI it means we’re going to have to do scans which is a bit pesky but it means you get to see baby more’ and my BMI is 35 so not only just a tiny bit over haha xx
@thundergirl96 I hope by “diet” you mean just trying to eat well and not calorie restriction. You shouldn’t restrict calories or try to lose weight while pregnant.

I am pregnant for the second time and I only experienced micro aggressions with my first…like the monitor not fitting during my induction.
@thundergirl96 FTM here and I pre pregnancy I was about 270lbs. I was very worried after reading horror stories on how I would be treated, especially because I have high blood pressure. The first few doctors I tried actually turned me away due to be high risk, but after a little searching I found my current ob and they have been a god send. They treated me like any other pregnant mama to be, from telling me that they would like for me to gain at least 20 pounds firming this pregnancy, to letting me come in once a week because of my anxiety of something happening to baby. Don’t worry there are great doctors out there just don’t settle for less!
@thundergirl96 Don’t diet while pregnant, just do your best to make healthy choices about what you eat. Restriction of food can be worse for you and baby. I was 242lbs at the beginning of my pregnancy, (22 weeks) and my weight hasn’t been mentioned at all, and was not a reason for me to be referred to the specialty OB (I have other conditions, but being on medication for high BP is the only reason I’m considered high risk) My doctor recommended gaining between 10-20lbs through my pregnancy and at over half way I have gained about 7lbs, so I think I’m on track. If your midwife/doctor doesn’t make you feel comfortable and taken care of, look elsewhere if possible. It is possible to be made to feel normal and get excellent care regardless of your weight.
@thundergirl96 You can try googling for plus size friendly obgyn in your area. There are several sites dedicated to them. There were no results in my area but considering where I live it wasn’t surprising, worth a shot for you. Also read reviews of the doctors and don’t be afraid to meet with a few to find the one that is the best fit. My first obgyn office didn’t work out at all, but the one I’m at now is amazing.

I would also recommend an obgyn not just a midwife. You can do both, but given you’re plus size an obgyn is more able to handle if there are anything that makes you more high risk.

Remember this is your baby and your body, so don’t be afraid to leave a doctor for another one if it doesn’t feel right to you! Also, don’t be afraid to voice it if you don’t want to know your weight. They’ll likely still want to weigh you just so they can monitor growth, but they should respect if you don’t want to know the numbers.
@thundergirl96 Currently 27 weeks, 290 pounds prior to pregnancy, currently 305 pounds.

I cannot boast about my OB enough. She is seriously one of the most kindest, compassionate people I’ve EVER met. Her nurses are just the same.

Because of my increased BMI I am required to deliver at a higher risk hospital 3 hours away (due to safety reasons and hospital policy)
But both my Primary OB and the high risk OB are extremely well at communicating back and fourth and reporting after every visit I have so each team can be aware of everything that’s going on.

While I am a high risk pregnancy, it’s because of reasons I had prior of pregnancy and not from getting pregnant and my doctor has done a wonderful job at keeping track of every single thing and staying on top of everything we need to.

I also had the same fears when I found out I was pregnant and they very quickly overtime went away with how I was treated and taken care of. I have zero worries about my health and my delivery because I know my little girl is in the right hands of my care team.

Remember to take care of yourself, your body, LISTEN to your body, advocate for yourself and your needs, And find the beauty in pregnancy 🤍

Don’t let your plus size body take away from enjoying pregnancy like me and a lot of other woman have. Us big girls deserve to love our pregnant bodies like everybody else 🎀
@thundergirl96 I've been seeing my OB for a few years, she knows my medical history and lifestyle and now that I'm pregnant she hasn't brought up my weight almost at all.

She mentioned higher risks and that we'll keep an eye on things but that's about it.
@thundergirl96 Currently 23 weeks and my doctor has not once mentioned my weight. They did conduct an early test for gestational diabetes at 13 weeks since I’m overweight and it came back “perfect”. At my last OB appointment I was 22 weeks and had gained about 25lbs since getting pregnant and her only comment was “keep doing what you’re doing!”

Weight discrimination definitively exists in healthcare, but I hope you lucky like me to be find a great provider.
@thundergirl96 Im 23 and some days and I started at 260 I’m now 276. I had an ob tell me at my last appointment that I’ve gained a substantial amount of weight but that was the first time even discussing weight.

My doctors haven’t even mentioned my pre pregnancy or post pregnancy weight to me really. I think it’s just about the environment you are being seen in. Some doctors are nice and some are not.
@thundergirl96 Currently 30 weeks and all of my midwives, doctors, ultrasound scanners, blood testers etc have been lovely. No one has mentioned my weight at all. My BMI is 50. I lost 6kg during the first trimester due to being sick, and have gone back up my starting weight of 120kg now at 30 weeks. I have been diagnosed with GD now, and the only person to make even the slightest comment was the GD Specialist who said "you like your tucker" which is just making a comment on how I like my food. If anyone makes a comment or makes you feel less than, kick them to the curb and find someone that will treat you like a human! You got this!
@thundergirl96 I’m 5’8 and started my pregnancy at 275. Gained about 9 lbs!

I am now 11 days postpartum and had a pretty easy pregnancy. I was referred to a maternal fetal medicine specialist for growth scans due to my BMI but I also managed to grow a 10cm uterine fibroid near my cervix that caused me to be high risk. I opted for a scheduled c-section from the jump. Recovery has been very straightforward and I almost dare to say easy. But I also have my husband home with me for 6 weeks and he’s the absolute best postpartum partner. Watching him become a dad has been one of my favorite things so far.

In terms of ~weight related~, my doctor did put me on low dose aspirin starting at 12 weeks (which is becoming increasingly a regular standard of care for everyone as a preventative for pre eclampsia). I also had to do the gestational diabetes screening twice, once I believe around 16 weeks and then again at 26. I failed the 1hr the second time but passed the 3hr. And I started weekly non-stress tests at 34 weeks.

I wound up transferring care to the MFM office because they are affiliated with a much larger hospital system that has the regional NICU and just overall more resources and care options. Some of our growth scans indicated a concern that required a prenatal pediatric echo and my son now has to be seen for a follow up after his echo post delivery.

I was diagnosed with gestational hypertension at 34 weeks and delivered at 37 weeks because of it. Unfortunately it has stuck around so I’m now on procardia for a few weeks to see if my hormones can get their poop in a group and regulate back to my normal ish bp.

Overall though, I had an excellent experience and great doctors. Being diagnosed high risk had lots of silver linings that ultimately meant we found a cardiac issue we may not have otherwise. I’ll go back to the OB office I started with for my yearly paps, etc. My husband and I were one and done before we even started trying to get pregnant and it’s staying that way because I had tubes removed during my c-section!
@thundergirl96 I’m 23 weeks. Started pregnancy at 330 and weighed in at 327 at my last appointment. (I lost about 7 pounds in weeks 6-16, and gained 4 back by week 20. Ive been told to Gain 10-15 pounds for the whole pregnancy, but the only weight comments I’ve had so far is, “don’t try to intentionally lose weight.” I’ve had positive experiences despite this hospital system not being so weight neutral In the past. And every provider knows what I want in this pregnancy (natural, vaginal birth without induction), and they even recommended I change offices so that I can be more likely to achieve my goals at a different office within the same system.

I was tested for gestational diabetes very early, but that is also due to my own health history and may not have been due to my weight. I had an above average A1C in the years prior to pregnancy before I started Mounjaro, and then got pregnant while taking mounjaro and had to go off of it.

I would say this - especially in first trimester if you’re having nausea or food aversion, worry more about getting nutrition than what you’re eating. If you have a history of “pre-diabetes,” or a high A1C, then I might recommend you look into the GD “diet” and start moving towards using it. even if you’re not diabetic, it’s a good guide for high nutrition eating. It’s basically low carb (but not Keto level low, it’s just being conscientious of your carbs), high protein and high fiber. Another thing is that walking is good for you, baby, your blood pressure and your blood sugar, so adding that in a little bit if you weren’t already accustomed to that level of exercise can help. Even just 10 minutes of waking after dinner a few times a week can help you avoid some of the complications that seem to arise more in plus size pregnancy.

If you ever feel uncomfortable with a provider, then switch. Immediately. Don’t wait for it to get better.

You got this momma!
@thundergirl96 I’m about 260 as well and 5’10”.

My doctor has never shamed me about my weight, she does give me updates about how much I’ve lost or gained during pregnancy. Up until last week I had been losing weight so that was her concern, but as long as I stay within the recommended guidelines of gaining between 11-20 pounds I don’t foresee that my doctor will be giving me any pushback or shame about my weight.

Even when I had my miscarriage and she asked if my husband and I were going to try again soon I told her I wanted to lose some weight before then, but we wouldn’t be preventing pregnancy during that time either - she told me that if I didn’t want to lose any weight, that there wasn’t any reason that she wouldn’t want me to get pregnant. Even though having a “healthy” BMI is recommended for pregnancy she did not push losing weight at all.

Good luck with finding a provider that is accepting and caring! It’s definitely possible!
@thundergirl96 I’m on my 3rd pregnancy, 5w3days right now, and my best advice would be not to be afraid to find a new doctor. With my first I went to a midwife and absolutely hated how she treated me, and I thought I had to just take it because clearly I’m fat and she more educated than me. After my second appointment where I left crying cause she was just shoving the possible risks of being fat while pregnant at me I found a new doctor.

I’m still fat, all the risks are still technically there and my doctor does do more monitoring to the end of my pregnancies, but she explained all the risks once and did t bring up anything weight specific unless I did first.

She has delivered both of my beautiful, healthy babies and I’m looking forward to delivering this one with her as well.
@thundergirl96 I'm around your size, and I was so nervous about this that I actually went to my OB *before* trying to kind of like...ask her permission. I was met by a confused team of nurses and a very chill doctor who took a look at my blood sugar, saw it was fine, and was like, "hope to see you back here soon." I will add that I didn't say *why* I was looking for their advice or guidance -- didn't want to tip the scales (no pun intended). I'm sure it depends a lot on the doctors, but rest assured that it's not a universal prejudice.