Help.. I’m worried if she is lying about pregnancy

@tcloud16 hCG levels rising only 10 days after sex, after the ovulation test you took with her was negative AND you took Plan B WITH birth control? Nah fam, this is incredibly suspicious, and I suspect you’re being tricked. I am glad you are going to request a paternity test. Don’t worry about anyone else’s feelings when you request one, only your own. You deserve to not be lied to.

Edit: Does anyone know if she could possibly be incriminated for this if she’s lying about his paternity?
@tcloud16 Have you ever finished inside of her before? Because I’m not going to lie, this sounds like a question for a different sub. As in, is it possible she was already pregnant?
@jt12blk I haven’t finished inside her at all. Tbh, I can’t deny possibility of her already being pregnant at that point since she said she didn’t get period for last month. But if that’s true, her saying she is ovulating rn also doesn’t make sense at all sooo I probably need to ask her the proof of all this
@tcloud16 Yeah, I think you need to have a talk about communication. Because it sounds, from what you have described here, and I really, really hope I am wrong, like she was already pregnant and asked you to come inside of her in order to cover up that she was pregnant, knowing you have never come inside her before. If she gives you a positive pregnancy test… you might want to consider asking for a paternity test.

I really, really hope this is wrong and you’re both just super anxious, but what you have written is super fishy.
@jt12blk I agree. Almost sounds like it and I really hope that’s not the case. It sounds like threatening almost. And if she shows positive pregnancy, I will ask for paternity test.
@tcloud16 Her ovulation test would have showed positive if she was already pregnant for long enough to know about it.

It seems more like she was expecting ovulation, pos test day before, and that one of your guys got through in spite of pulling out. Common way to get pregnant.

Think you'd have a pretty good case for having been tricked in to this against your will.
@tcloud16 Ask to see the results. All that sounds suspicious. Pregnancy hcg levels rise but on day 21 after sex is when they rise enough to turn a test positive. Mark that day and have her take a test where you can see her. Blood tests can show ovulation but from what I understand, it’s more so to identify the luteal phase than exact ovulation. You can’t really confirm a Plan B failed either. She’s either trying to trap you and will try to have sex with you again unprotected or she’s paranoid. Either way, once this situation is handled…don’t talk to her. I’m glad you seem to know your stuff, I explained all this to my bf when we started dating. Refreshing to see a guy who already knows things.
@millawattingly Home pregnancy tests are accurate 14 days after sex and definitive 21 days after sex is general rule. Blood tests can be 10 days after sex. Either way, this situation is odd.
@srv Yes, I understand that. I did have a positive home pregnancy test at 9 days but it's also common to still show negative at that point. My point was that it doesn't always take 21 days to show positive.
@millawattingly Got it.

She didn’t say positive, but she said her hCG level is already higher than normal at day 7 which is still very odd.

It’s like she is keep trying to hint me that she is pregnant
@tcloud16 A blood test at 7 days after ovulating CAN show hCG, but it shouldn’t be high enough to conclusively confirm pregnancy.

Where I live, a hCG less than 5 mIU/ml is not pregnant - a hCG over 25 mIU/ml is pregnant - and anything in between is a grey area. For hers to be over 25 mIU/ml, enough to confirm a pregnancy, I’d say she was already pregnant.

Unless of course, she had a hCG bloods at 3 days - which would’ve shown a value under 5 - and she’s gone back at 7 days and it’s increased. Which could indicate a potential pregnancy. I highly suggest you ask for the levels - but I very much doubt you would’ve gotten her pregnant with birth control and pull out method.
@katrina2017 She didn’t say it was high enough to confirm pregnancy, but said her hCG level is higher than normal today which is 7th day after sex. She didn’t tell me about details about numbers.
@tcloud16 Like I said, it’s a grey area. I’ve had a hCG level of 7 mIU/ml and not been pregnant.
I’m not sure if you saw (I added to my first comment) - it’s possible she’s gone for a test at 3 days and again at 7 days, and seen an increase in hCG between 3 days and 7 days. That could indicate the start of a pregnancy (very, very early). In this case, someone has gotten her pregnant. Are you exclusive? Or an exclusive couple?
@tcloud16 It really depends - I live in Australia, in a metropolitan area. Our lab is in the next town over so blood results can be back the same day if the bloods are done in the morning.

I can imagine she’s freaking out if she’s got hCG rising, while it’s not conclusive of pregnancy, it’s a sign fertilisation may have happened. Which on depo, would be very alarming. The day 10 bloods will again show if it’s continuing to rise. I’m not sure how you can ask for those blood reports, but I would recommend trying. If they are as I’ve described, this is indicative of early pregnancy. If she’s unwilling to provide them, then your suspicions are warranted.
@srv Thanks.

I heard ovulation test measures LH surge and can’t be precise to detect ovulation, but I just don’t know how doctor confirmed her ongoing ovulation and failure of plan B.

I think you’re right about asking for all the proof. She is acting suspicious about insisting on only calling, not texting which adds more sus.

Didn’t know I would go through this with triple protected sex..
@tcloud16 Sometimes women be crazy, seems you got a little unlucky. You are correct though, ovulation is a single second: when the egg is released. That cannot be precisely predicted. What can be is the luteal phase from what I understand and even then, pregnancy can only happen at the beginning of the luteal phase. Which is why the 5 days prior to luteal phase is the best time to try for pregnancy since as soon as ovulation occurs (kicking off the start of luteal phase), the sperm would still be alive to fertilize it. Still, ask for a pregnancy test or three and make sure she is not alone with them on day 21. If she refuses to show you proof, call her on her bullshit. It’s not right to do that to someone.
@srv Yeah I think as you said, the most accurate way to see is to be there at 21 day and see the test result. Starting to think she could be pregnant from other person already and trying to pin me so it sounds like it will be a long fight