Pregnancy pillows are overrated

@hoop No no both of mine are cheap Amazon!!! I need a belly wedge and a pillow for between my knees. Oh, and I take unisom; slept about 11 hours last night (not interrupted as I peed a few times).
@hoop I got the bbhugme and i don't understand why it's so expensive. Like sure it's kinda comfortable but it's only good for sleeping on one side, when i turn over it's too much of a hassle to bring it over to the other side. So i use it and another regular pillow on the other side
@hoop Mine is comfy at first, but gets so hot! It even says it’s cooling. I ran hot even before pregnancy so I’m not too surprised.

Sleep is a struggle for me too… hang in there.
@helplesswonder I can’t believe this is the first time I’m seeing this comment. That’s exactly why I couldn’t use mine… I don’t understand how people use it under their neck. My neck is way too messed up for that apparently.
@hoop I just threw mine away actually at 38 weeks. There was like a two week period where I really loved it but it took up so much space that I found two extra throw pillows to place around me was much more practical.

A waste of 50$ but had to give it a try. 🤷🏻‍♀️
@hoop I could not agree more. I’m 33 weeks pregnant and my prego pillow is been literally sleeping on the floor for the past 20 weeks. I regret spending money on that. I just go with my regular pillow on my head, laying on my left side with a tiny pillow in between my legs.
@hoop I love mine but I hate switching side taking a 8 point turn then it takes about 45 mins to get ever so comfy and I fall nice and asleep for two hours until either the need to pee or a Charlie horse arises. I love it but damn does it take to long to get in postion
@hoop I love my pillow - comfort for the good ole' pelvic bone and hip wise - but it's not like it's stopping me from waking up every 45 mins, ugh wish it did.
@hoop I love mine. Only thing I dislike about it is that it’s already hot as fuck in my room and having that thing wrapped around me makes me so much hotter
@hoop Mine’s comfortable on my back and belly but I can’t stand having to tuck my arm under it, makes me feel like my arms gonna fall asleep. Any way I adjust it I can’t make my arms comfortable- so I mostly use a bunch of pillow-props instead
@hoop I love mine. It helps me get way more comfortable without one. I have a J shaped one. I think that some like the U shaped and some like the J. I get a little claustrophobic thinking of the U