Help.. I’m worried if she is lying about pregnancy

@srv Yup either that or she manually put my cum inside her after she ran to bathroom.. whichever that is, she is giving me more and more motivation to take legal actions
@tcloud16 If she did do that, there’s a chance. And really, you could count that as reproductive coercion I think. Don’t quote me on that though.
@tcloud16 Along with what everyone else said here definitely get a paternity test just to make sure. Saves a lot of legal trouble in the end and that child deserves to know who their father really is. Best of luck OP
@tcloud16 From what I understand, the depo shot must be given every 12 weeks or 13 weeks to be fully protected. What bothers me is that she said you can finish inside her, but why isn't she worried that she was late for her next shot? 14 weeks, means not protected. I know some websites say that 14 weeks is fine, but every doctor and nurse told me 13 weeks at the latest.
Why wasn't she worried when she was late for her shot? And then suddently she's worried?
I don't think she's pregnant. As pre cum contains very little sperm, and with the depo shot there will be extra mucus at the cervic so that sperm doesn't pass through. So she may have ovulated but the depo protects you in 3 ways. So even if you ovulate, there is no lining for the fertilized egg to implant in. (If fertilasation happened) and the mucus build up. You were smart not to finish inside.
@antoniolovesgod (According to her) The doctor said Depo will be immediately effective and nothing to worry despite that it was 14 weeks apart. Even then, we had sex 5 days after her depo shot which I believe is buffer for Depo to work.

To my understanding, depo takes time to wear off it’s effect so taking a shot 1 week late doesn’t seem to be making a person unprotected (based on sources I have read).

I don’t know. She encouraged me to finish inside her, but I didn’t cuz I felt a bit weird..
@tcloud16 According to her...I dont know, every doctor told me 13 weeks at the latest. I'm also on depo so it doesnt make sense why a doctor would tell her it's immediately effective. Because the shot was given late.
And 5 days after the shot, you would be fine, because even tho the shot was given late, ovulation could have occured, there are other ways it protects you from pregnancy. And sperm (not pre cum) is needed for pregnancy to occur. The only people I heard of who have gotten pregnant on birth control, was because of sperm. Not pre cum. So don't worry. She may be lying. Because she lied to you about the 14 weeks.
And as you said, 1 week late is fine. But 2 weeks, its streching it. Just be glad you listened to the weird feeling you had. And don't worry yourself to much because I don't see how pregnancy is possible in your case.
@antoniolovesgod Thanks for the input!

So even if Depo shot is late under certain standard (12 weeks), 5 days buffer would have let depo to be effective.

I’m very relieved I heard my gut feeling. Only concern is that she ran into bathroom right after I finished on her, not letting me wipe it, and stayed for 30 minutes not letting me in. Don’t know what she could have done during that time.

But yeah thanks! so the probability of her pregnant from me is veeeeery slim
@tcloud16 I wish there were a law that protected guys from stuff like this. I don't know if it were her intention to trap you. But I feel like there must be a law to protect guys from girls who try to trap guys. Her actions sounds very sus.
@antoniolovesgod Feel the same. This whole time, I felt so frustrated and powerless since there is nothing I can do. Since she said she doesn’t want a kid as well, I tried to come up with solutions like emergency IUD (I said I will pay the full expense of IUD) but her response was she doesn’t want to because it’s her body her choice. Very contradicting to what she said earlier that she doesn’t want a kid. After all, I learned there is no power in guys in this issue and I have to be more careful
@tcloud16 Please don't... find someone you have respect with.

Sometimes they don't just simply reverse because the mans immune system decides sperm are technically 'foreign material' since they effectively disappeared.

So reversal happens and immune system keeps killing the sperm in production. Sad cause of pretty much permanent male factor infertility.

You have to be 100% certain for eternity!
@miraclegratis Think that could be the possibility. According to her, doctor said Depo will be effective on the day of most recent shot. We had sex 5 days after the most recent shot, which I believe give a bit of buffer time for Depo to work?
@tcloud16 If I remember right from when I had it, depo has to be given every 3 months on the dot or it risks effectiveness. This is definitely sketchy
@yup It seems her doctor said that 14 weeks apart is okay. Plus, we had sex 5 days after her most recent shot, and I heard it’s buffer time for Depo to work again if the shot was bit late
@tcloud16 Hmm 🤔 this is very sus

So usually the implant + plan b the success rate is 99.99% effective with perfect use (because we are human) it’s 99.98% effective.

The only way she could confirm the rise of her hcg levels if she gets a pregnancy blood test from the lab. Because she’s already on the hormonal implant, the hormones in the rod prevent pregnancy which means she should not even be ovulating in the first place.

Ovulation tests detects a rise in luteinizing hormone (LH) in the urine. A rise in this hormone signals the ovary to release the egg. Once an egg is released, it is viable, or fertile, for around 24 hours. Altho sperm can remain viable for even longer, and can live inside a woman's body for up to five days.

This chick sounds beyond batshit crazy and even if she is pregnant DOES NOT have the capacity to even take care of herself nvm a child