MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

@irisnicole8405 This is a hard no for me. My kiddo has severe, life threatening allergies and I give all sitters a little educational how to use epi lesson. In a life threatening emergency (which she has had while at sitters) the sitter calls 911, they stabilize her and you make it to hospital to take over from there.

My sitters have my number, my husband's number, my work number, husband's work number, my work email, and her pediatricians number.

None of my sitters have, or have ever requested, a form like this. She 100% is planning on taking your kiddo to the doctor herself. You need new childcare friend.
@irisnicole8405 What in the munchausens by proxy is going on here? I wouldn’t give the form, there is no reason to have it except to set up appointments for your daughter without your consent.

If there is an option for other childcare I’d look into it. I know it can be incredibly hard to find and expensive, but I’d also fear she may start undermining you and saying things about your parenting to your child when she gets older. She sounds manipulative, and if you and your husband want to have a relationship with her in the future, and for your daughter to have one with her, gotta set those boundaries now.

You’re right to want to say no, trust that mom-gut 😊
@irisnicole8405 I probably wouldn’t give her this form based on what you mentioned. I would be concerned that it would give her more fuel to act like another parent, I jump to that bc you mentioned she’s treating your daughter like a “do over”. I would tell her that it isn’t necessary at this time and any authorization that would need to be done in an ER setting either you or your husband could provide over the phone until you arrived in person.
@irisnicole8405 My mom is a nurse and has requested the med auth forms from us for times when both my husband and I were traveling for work at the same time.

She understands that she will only use that form if my husband and I are both gone and one of our children needs to go to the pediatrician due to a more minor (but relatively urgent) medical situation... An ER is going to see the child regardless of whether the person has a medical authorization form.

If your MIL is watching your daughter and your daughter needs an immediate ER visit, she won't need a med auth form.
@irisnicole8405 You are not wrong, you definitely need to start paying someone for childcare so you can have your decisions respected. It is going to be costly, so you have to decide if this is worth it to you.
@irisnicole8405 I have given my mom one of these. It’s for an entirely different reason than what your mil wants, tho.

You’re absolutely right that you will be with your child by the time any major decisions need to be made. I send my kids to my mom for a week in the summer 800 miles away. That’s what the form is for.

I think you need to begin distancing your mil.
@irisnicole8405 My parents watch our boys one or two times a week, 12 hr stretches. Never would she ask for medical clearance, and she’s a nurse. She contacts my husband and myself for every medical/health question or emergency. Taking appropriate action while we get to them.

I’m sorry. Find better childcare.
@irisnicole8405 Nope. She does not need it!

In the event of an emergency, medical providers will provide life saving measures. For anything else, they can contact you directly.

The only reason she would be looking for that form is to do something without your knowledge. If she won't disclose whwn medications are given, that puts her at risk of being overdosed.

You are following ped advice and ahe is following her curve so that is all that matters. If she can't respect that, it may be time to find new child care.

(As for allergies, I have food sensitivities that didn't show up on testing. Regardless, it is still outside of grandma's role to badger when you have sought medical help).
@irisnicole8405 Nope. Not wrong. It’s not needed. And I’d go ahead & call pediatricians office to give them the heads up you’re concerned grandma is trying to take kiddo in without your consent/she does not have any authorization to do so or be informed of kiddo’s health info.
@irisnicole8405 Follow everyone’s advice here. Hard no.

Also, call your doctor’s office and confirm with them that no one other than mom and dad should be scheduling appointments / calling for medical info.