Freezer Stash & MIL

@bastarr Figure out what happened and report back! This is my actual nightmare Lol. I’ve even mentioned it to my husband as a fear.

Once I prepped a bottle as a just-in-case bottle to go out for 2 hours. TWO HOURS. I told my MIL just give it to him cold, he doesn’t mind. Also, he probably won’t need it but she loves feeding him. She insisted she would heat it up. Came back to find a full bottle next to the sink (she heats it up under running water) and an empty bottle with her and the baby. In going to feed him she somehow mixed up the one I prepared with an old empty one, and held an empty bottle in the baby’s mouth for 20 min or whatever. I tried to question her but was met with so much resistance I had to let it go.
@bastarr Something similar happened to me with my mother and my then-2-month old daughter. It’s been almost a year and she’s never babysat again. Whether malicious or ignorant, it’s concerning either way.
@bastarr 😑 why did she defrost 2 6 oz bags. I can see from your post history that your little one is about five months old. Assuming you're also doing foods, it's highly weird. Anyways, I'm angry for you but can also see from your update that you sadly didn't leave instructions... Unfortunately it's a lesson learned.

I can tell my husband thinks I'm daft sometimes when I go into details with family about stuff like this. This is the reason why.