Freezer Stash & MIL

@bastarr My firstborn was 2 weeks old the first time my parents babysat him, and they fed him 16oz of milk in 4 hours lol. He kept crying so they kept feeding because it would calm him down for a bit. Then when he threw it all back up they tried to convince me he was sick and I needed to take him to a doctor.

After I explained to them that he only needs 1.25oz an hour I didn't have a problem again.
@bastarr That is insane 😭 my mom watches my 6 month old one day a week so I can work and I always send premade bottles because otherwise she’ll give him 7oz+. I also had to switch bottles.
@bastarr Not overreacting at all. I’d be pissed if my stash disappeared. There is a mental load to breastfeeding and pumping and ensuring your child is getting enough food that I see people minimize. It’s easy for anyone to make comments when they’re not the one responsible for producing the milk.
@bastarr I'm so sorry this happened!

At the risk of getting downvoted, did you set expectations ahead of time? I leave my mom and MIL with a rough schedule of feeding times and amounts just so they know what to expect, especially since they both used formula. People who watch our kids generally aren't going to know how to feed unless we help them out!
@bastarr This happened to me and I could NOT get over it. My mom breastfed but was an oversupplier so just assumed all milk was easily replaceable.
@bastarr Did you give her any guidelines before you left? If she formula fed then, respectfully, she doesn’t know what she’s doing. Is your stash in big quantities? Each bag 5-6oz? Or small ones?

My MIL only formula fed, so it was an adjustment when she babysat our first kid. I had a huge oversupply with my first baby, so there wasn’t as much emotion attached to the breastmilk. But my sister struggled with her supply so I saw firsthand how hard it was for her to build a stash.

I am sorry for your loss! But it was likely ignorance rather than malice. Just talk to her 🙂
@bastarr Wait isn’t that like 4 - 8 oz bottles over a 6 hr period? So pretty much 8 oz’s every 1.5 hrs. My gosh. That is definitely insane. Either that or she spilled a bunch.

When my mom watched our baby for the first time overnight she also use the entire freezer stash. Come to find out that anytime the baby cried she fed him and she was over feeding him oz’s as well. Hard to complain about free help but I agree it is very frustrating.
@bastarr She's doing it so you stop asking her to babysit 👍 very passive aggressive but some people are non-confrontational to an unhealthy level. She didn't want to say no and be the bad guy but she also doesn't want to help that much. So she figured this is the best way - she can still be generous by offering to babysit but will never actually have to do it. Your stash is just collateral damage.
@bastarr I don’t have a stash anymore but omg this post is so triggering because it’s taking me back to the times when my husband would waste milk and the amount of stress and rage it caused 😩