Aunt wants to go back to school shopping.

@jbblkh This way you have the needs covered, and aunt can focus on the kids' wants and the fun stuff that she feels like buying, and you don't have to worry that they won't have appropriate school shoes.
@jbblkh This breaking news just in: kids can have two new pairs of shoes. In fact, depending on their growth, getting an additional pair a half or full size bigger (if aunt is so inclined) would likely be used the same school year. Or just the same size so when one jumps in a mud puddle or needs cleaned you have time to let it dry. Or a different shoe style. This is a silly thing to have a problem with. Just tell Aunt they just grew out of the last pair and you were able to get them new but a backup pair/school specific pair would be appreciated, if she wanted to.
@joseph92 We’re buying things a little at a time. Not that I wasn’t gonna get them multiple pairs. Thanks for your input. I appreciate the outside perspective.
@jbblkh We are lucky to have a wonderful supporting village for our kids. Pseudo grandmas and biological grandparents that do a ton and are the same way. They buy the kids SO much! As their parents I always make sure we get them each a pair of shoes and some clothes. But I know that pseudo grandma will 100% go off on her own and buy them clothes too. I appreciate it so much so I buy less than what they actually need because I know no matter what I say she’s gonna get them clothes. I just take it as a huge blessing and put more money into fun sports or family outings. It’s a blessing, take it and roll with it.
@comradez Yeah they will 100% buy it no matter what 😅 I’m grateful that we do have help. I wasn’t looking at it that way. But now having you guys tell me how it is.. it made me realize that. 😊
@jbblkh I feel you.

Sort of rags to riches childhood myself and I'm still frugal as much as possible.

Heck we recently went on a trip and stayed in a nice hotel with points saved up. Parking next to the hotel was $25 a day, or $19 to walk 15 minutes away. So I went for a walk 🤷‍♂️. It was nice outside.

I also hate consumerism. I only buy stuff I know can get multiple lives out of it.

If it's possible, I might try to come up with a compromise with the family.

"First, I am incredibly grateful for what you provide for us. With that said, there will come times when my kids wont have anyone, but themselves to rely on and I'd like for them to learn a bit about budgeting. Could we possibly team up and bring them thrifting to try and get some of the stuff they need, and then fill in the gaps for stuff that we can't find?"

"It'd mean a lot to me knowing they can at least get some practice in with budgeting. And take care of themselves if their in a pinch in he future. Not everything, just a few things."