MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

@irisnicole8405 This is a hard no for me. My kiddo has severe, life threatening allergies and I give all sitters a little educational how to use epi lesson. In a life threatening emergency (which she has had while at sitters) the sitter calls 911, they stabilize her and you make it to hospital to take over from there.

My sitters have my number, my husband's number, my work number, husband's work number, my work email, and her pediatricians number.

None of my sitters have, or have ever requested, a form like this. She 100% is planning on taking your kiddo to the doctor herself. You need new childcare friend.
@irisnicole8405 What in the munchausens by proxy is going on here? I wouldn’t give the form, there is no reason to have it except to set up appointments for your daughter without your consent.

If there is an option for other childcare I’d look into it. I know it can be incredibly hard to find and expensive, but I’d also fear she may start undermining you and saying things about your parenting to your child when she gets older. She sounds manipulative, and if you and your husband want to have a relationship with her in the future, and for your daughter to have one with her, gotta set those boundaries now.

You’re right to want to say no, trust that mom-gut 😊

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