My ESL MIL refers to my baby's face while cooing as her "O-face" and I just can't

@skaterboy1319 Wife’s friend’s mum asked her what ‘WTF’ meant after seeing it on a Facebook post, so she told her it meant ‘why the face?’, which is a way of asking someone what’s wrong or why they might be upset. Took about a day of her using it hilariously out of context online before someone corrected her.
@skaterboy1319 Just recently watched my MIL dancing with the baby singing “To the windows… to the walls…”

She learned this from my wife, but she doesn’t know the rest of the words. I died but managed to keep a straight face and said NOTHING.
@johnjohansen82 I once had to explain to an employer the Get Low reference in Vampire Weekend's Oxford Comma.

"He's trying to say, that while crude and not well spoken, Lil Jon always tells the truth.".

"how do you know he's referencing that song?".

"Well, he say 'first the window, then to the walls".

"And why would that mean he was referring to this song?, what does it mean?"

Must have been about beet red at that moment. I've learned to just feign confusion and lack of understanding about any non work related conversations.
@skaterboy1319 My mother and my MIL both used the word "peanut" in different and incompatible ways when my first child was an infant. Mom would say something to the effect of "he had a dirty diaper and it was all over his peanut; took six wipes to get him clean"; MIL simply called him "her peanut". It took a while to get them to both stop.
@skaterboy1319 My ESL wife calls our child "toot." The first time hearing this I asked if the baby farted, she didn't understand why I asked, and I didn't explain. She's saying "תּוּת" which is strawberry.