MIL wants Medical Authorization Form for 13 m.o

@irisnicole8405 If she’s caring for your child three days a week six hours a day I think this kind of authorization is reasonable. If you don’t trust her to use this authorization properly then you have a bigger problem and probably need to find other options for childcare.
@irisnicole8405 TBH, if you have a loving, safe, family member watching the kiddo 30 hours a week... you are VERY lucky.

Sometimes parenthood can give us a mental nearsided'ness that we only think about "I want an ideal ___ on my terms"

When realistically, your choices come with costs... and you have to weigh both sides.

There is a very small chance your child will ever need medical care and you aren't available...

AND if that comes up... the risk of a loving family member, making a bad call when it is serious, is ALSO vanishingly small odds.

If your MIL gives your child an age appropriate OTC medicine, following package instructions... that is basically a non-issue. It does not kill kids to have a single dose of age appropriate medicine.

The risk to YOU face on the other hand, is souring the relationship with your MIL AND primary daycare at the same time...

Think about it, if you don't TRUST her with your kid... then why do you have her watching your kid?

You are making a big deal out of nothing, if things are the way you describe them.