Kid is 7 and starting to stink

@onewithfaith I only recently learned that a shit load of people don’t know that deodorant isn’t the same as antiperspirant. If you’re one of those, please read up on the differences.

I personally don’t want to try to stop my body from sweating considering I sweat intentionally when I exercise. I wouldn’t recommend trying to stop a child from sweating either. Deodorant makes them not stink.

And at some point (maybe now), just showering doesn’t solve the issue. I shower every day. Sometimes twice. If I don’t wear deodorant, I will stink. If I do, I don’t
@onewithfaith I’m very prone to rashes and serious irritation from most deodorants and antiperspirants. Also the smell of 95% of them causes headaches. As a man it’s virtually impossible to find anything without some “manly sport scent” or some crap that stinks. I use women’s Mitchum Powder Fresh roll-on. Very light scent and does a good job with odor and perspiration. Not natural though but very much worth a try.
@onewithfaith Have you given it to him and he had a reaction? I have super sensitive skin and get dermatitis if my wrist/hands get too sweaty or if I don't use certain brands of soap consistently (I'm ok to use random soap for a few days) and right guard extreme has never given me an issue after over a decade.

EDIT: Used to use Degree before that without issue either but I find Right Guard Extreme works better and the number of women who have asked me what cologne I wear when they smell the RGE is shocking. It's hilarious when I tell them it's just right guard deodorant they smell.

Not all skin is created equal on our bodies (a dermatopathologist can tell roughly where a skin biopsy is from under the microscope) so just because someone has a reaction to regular laundry detergent or soap doesn't mean their armpits can't handle regular deodorant. If it's just a rash (i.e. regular soap doesn't send him into anaphylaxis) you should start with whatever regular kind you want and just go from there.
@onewithfaith Yeah, if he gets a rash in his armpits then obviously stop and try a new one but I would try several regular brands including sprays before going off the beaten path. It's certainly possible that his armpits can tolerate it and when he gets further along in puberty the skin will change as well so it's even possible that something he has a reaction to now won't be an issue when he's older.
@onewithfaith I can only use Tide “free&clear” or other detergent with no perfume crap in it. Otherwise I get bad rashes. I have very sensitive skin. Old spice is great deodorant/anti perspirant that doesn’t bother my skin. I get the oasis scent or the nightpanther scent.

Different types of medication (namely adderall) can cause BO as well. Just throwing that out there if he’s on that.