My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

It was so fu**ed up I was feeling depressed THINKING ABOUT that our younger one was eventually going to be 3yo one year…
@3007 Mine will be 3 in August. He was a rotten little thing yesterday. Constantly telling me “no” when I’d ask him to do something like clean up his toys or take his plate to the sink. He was stealing toys from his older brother just to get a rise out of him. He was so testy. I would never say this to my son, but I definitely told my husband yesterday that the 2 year old is being a total turd!! He is also my empathetic, lovey, affectionate kid so it’s hard to stay frustrated with him. Lol
@3007 3 years and 9 months here and recovering from a tonsil surgery, it’s pretty hard right now. Lots of tears and running away and and and.

There are flashes of the kid she almost is, she is so cute and bright and does do some independent play and managing of her self.

The real turn was potty training.

But, as soon as I say that, ugh. She flops and cries like a 2 year old, she runs away from me in public, she wakes all night long. She doesn’t want meals but snacks, not that snack, uuuugh.
@3007 Girl my daughters turning 5 in September & i swear it got worse 😭😭😭 1 & 2 were piece of cake… 3 was horrible, 4 got a little better but the last month it’s been ROUGH hands down the hardest it’s ever been!
@3007 On top of all the 2.5 yr old bullshit during the day- mine won’t friggin sleep at night. She literally fights sleep. If she feels herself drift off she’ll do something to wake up. Am I dead?
@3007 My daughter will be 3 in September and the past few months have already been increasingly… challenging 🥴 I think it’s all fairly normal behaviour but some days my whole gentle parenting persona just wants to match her toddler rage 😩

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