If your Kid were a straight-A student but also skipped school 2-3 days a week, what would you do?

@godblessed777 Okay, so let me see if I'm understanding correctly. All of your classes are at the highest level, but you still feel bored and do the work easily. The only harder classes are AP classes but you are not allowed to do them. What have your parents or guardian said about this?
@godblessed777 Then you should have a number of different options available to you for education that is more engaging. I would start by asking your principal to get an exception so that you can take the AP classes. After that, I would start looking at taking college classes or going to a private school.
@godblessed777 I was that kid as a kid. Sometimes I was at school but not in class (ex. Taking a nap in the library) sometimes I wasn’t at school (ex going to town for lunch and not coming back, heading down to the beach instead, staying home, etc) and sometimes I was skipping class and going and doing IT work for the school board (always told them it was my free block even if it wasn’t.) I have no idea how I got away with the shit I did other than that my grades were excellent and this was over 2 decades ago. I’d have to consider some leniency for my kids for the same behaviour, but I’d want to know why they were skipping school. Are they bored? Being bullied? Stressed? Struggling with mental health? So that way I could address that. For me it was boredom and mental health…
@godblessed777 Make him go anyway. End of the day I as the parent actually have remarkably little control over whether or not I want my kid attending school. It's truancy and can lead to criminal charges. Now I'd happily explain this to my kid and talk to them to see if there's a way to keep them more engaged but end of the day they are still gonna go to school.
@godblessed777 I had friends in university that missed a load of lectures because they felt they didn’t have to go because they were already doing well. They all failed. Education can suddenly get harder from one lesson to the next; don’t miss out on lessons.

In addition, if you start missing school, your parents and teachers will get really angry at you really fast, because just turning up to school isn’t hard, but it means a huge amount to them. What would you be doing at home that’s so vitally important? Some students miss school and don’t have everyone on their backs about it. These are the students that everyone has abandoned as a hopeless case; both parents and teachers.
@godblessed777 Skipped school as in just didn’t bother going? No, shut that down. Pretty sure in a lot of places the parents can get into a lot of trouble for this, doesn’t matter how good the kid’s grades are.
@godblessed777 School is not JUST about grades. Their attendance is not optional unless they have justified reason for absence.

If you can finish work fast, will your boss keep paying you full pay if you only show up half of the time? I doubt so. Better learn to stay on schedule now, which is part of what school prepares you for 🤷🏼‍♀️

And no idc if they will be some genious working from home and won't need 9/5 job, they can pick their schedule when they have this opportunity but now they have to go to school! Some schools even have mandatory attendance %. And even if their school doesn't have it, i as a parent will surely insist.
@godblessed777 I’d ask what’s up and see if they have a decent reason. Maybe homeschooling/distanced learning would be a better option for them. In my state, if you have 30? college credit hours completed, you can get a high school diploma from our state board of education.

Truancy laws exist and I don’t need to be in trouble for my kid’s poor choices. If we can work around an obstacle, I’d try. I desperately wanted to drop out and wasn’t allowed. School is glorified babysitting - busy work to keep us out of trouble.
@godblessed777 My grade 12 nephew is like this. He gets good grades but stays home from school 2-3 times a week to play video games all day. He lives with his grandparents, and they don't really care, which is a far cry from how it was for me growing up. They once let him stay home from school over 10 centimeters of snow. That would've been unthinkable for me. I skipped school once in grade 10 and for my entire grade 11 year they forced the school to put me on a form where you have to sign in and out of class everyday and get the teachers to sign. My teachers were so confused about why I was put on that form because I was always in class. Personally, I'd be telling him to get his ass to school and having his attendance tracked.
@godblessed777 I have read through some of the comments so far and a lot of them sound like concerned parents. I'm under 30, don't have kids, and don't want any so let me give you my opinion.

My goal in life is to simply be happy. If you are unhappy going to the school you are attending now try looking into getting a scholarship to a boarding/private school. You could also find something you're interested in learning about and look into a semester school to specifically study that subject. I went to an arts semester school my Junior year because I was being bullied and needed to regain my confidence in order to learn to be happy again. If you feel like the school you are at now is not challenging enough for you or you are bored from all the social drama of high school, I highly recommend a change. I missed a lot of school when I was a senior because I HATED my high school. I would fake sick constantly to avoid going. Even after missing days of school because I was "sick" I was still accepted to multiple great colleges including NYU (I decided not to go there though). You not wanting to go to school is not the problem. The problem is the public school system and how you don't fit their "standard" so I recommend looking into alternative schooling options. I will attach some semester school links for you to look at in case that is an option. Staying in a dorm with people you don't know will challenge you socially as well and give you some preparation for the college experience too. I'm not sure where you live or what your family's financial status is, but a school away from home is 100% something worth looking into. I hope you find a way to learn that you enjoy. I find school so be so dull and generic. It doesn't cater to everyone's learning abilities and if anything- it causes creative deficits to those who are naturally brilliant.

this is the school I went to: https://www.oxbowschool.org/

here is a link for multiple options: https://semesterschools.net/why-a-semester-school/

this is a school near Santa Cruz (where I went to college) and the area is beautiful: https://stevensonschool.org/academics/upper-division-academics/