Kid is 7 and starting to stink

@onewithfaith Get him a 500mL water bottle. He should have to fill it at least once at school, you’ll get a sense of where he is at when he gets home and what he drinks in the morning/evening
@jp685 Recent development, but he's going to have to from now on. Going to make skin care a pain in the ass though because his skin dries out really easily.
@onewithfaith This cleansing oil will get him clean without drying the skin too much, and it doesn’t have any kind of strong smell at all. Just smells vaguely clean. I switch to this in the winters because my skin dries out terribly if I don’t.

They also make some lotions you can put on in the shower which somehow seems easier than putting it on after.
@onewithfaith don’t use lotion. use aquaphor. any vaseline based ointment and you can worry less about dry skin. i have to grease my twins after every bath because of eczema. every other day. but they have great skin now. a lot of people think lotion is enough, it’s not. it’s not even recommended by our dermatologist
@spring348 Double up on this. Our kids (7 & 6) take a bath or shower every day and we use aveeno advanced care (similar to aquaphor).

The kids have hated bathing in the past when we were not routine with it. Make it part of the daily routine and don’t skip. Bath time, reading, bed time. I assure you our kids are/were maniacs and when we were inconsistent they always complained about bathing/bedtime.

When we got consistent - it all worked. They love getting the lotion on now. They both have bath robes they put on after the lotion, they brush their teeth, we put their reading lights on and they read and get sleepy. Only thing we mix in is a board game once in awhile but they are pretty much ready for the night to end now.
@onewithfaith Ok, so is it his pits that stink specifically? You could try diaper rash crème for the antifungal an hour or so before bath. If you do choose deodorant please make sure it’s not an antiperspirant
@onewithfaith Coconut oil. 100% virgin, unrefined, cold pressed. Use this all over the body freely. Especially under arms. No way in hell a 7 yr old needs deodorant unless there is something in the diet causing them to stink. And at age 7 they should def be showering daily. Like wtf? They’re in school. They sweat. Play with other kids, run, they sweat ,during nap time. Did I mention they sweat? And spill things on themselves? Showers. Daily. Rub down with coconut oil. And for the love of all that is holy watch what they eat! Too much fried and sugary and salty foods and drinks will make their sweat stink. Im sure the kid doesn’t have BO its his sweat from the things they are eating.