My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

@3007 Mine is now 3.5 and I really want to go back to plain old 3. It’s not better. Laughing so I don’t cry so loud. But also my kids are 3ish years apart and my oldest is the sweetest most loving to baby.
@luisa I got a water shoe thrown at my head today…… boutta let her experience the no shoe life for a week. Send help…………
@3007 We were having a normal lucid conversation and when I turned for a second I got milk poured on my head. The demon’s grin was the icing on the cake. “It was an accident” no it wasnt you…
@3007 You sound like me a year ago. Hey, short term… it doesn’t get better. Mine’s 4 now and it’s much worse now. They’re not even human till about age 5, so hang in there a few more.
@3007 Three and four are literal hell. My third is a toddler and I'm dreading her next birthday. They come out of it and are such cool people but getting through it tested the limit of my sanity.
@3007 My first one was an angel at 2 and a menace at 3. It sounds terrible but it’s just a phase. This is the best time to correct bad habits (which will be a plus in the long run). Take more breaks for yourself when you can, even if it’s 5 mins per hour. Meditating (or yoga if you’re into that) helped a lot as well
@3007 Mine is 2 but I feel the struggle. I just pulled her kicking and screaming from playing at the creek yesterday. A couple with a baby in a stroller stood and watched and laughed to each other. I felt like telling them, "just you wait".
@3007 3 feels like an abusive relationship. When they’re sweet and happy it’s incredible. When they’re not…holy shiiiiiit. It’s made me question all my life choices.
@sophiewilson0191 Two days ago my toddler threw herself across the floor screaming because I wouldn’t brush my teeth with her (I was in the middle of sending an important email and unfortunately didn’t have a third hand to brush my teeth)….. insane
@3007 Just turned 4. Still waiting for it to get better. I thought I was seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, but her behavior has been wild this week.
@3007 I really, really recommend Little People, Big Feelings. I’ve also been having a rough time with the shift to three. It’s really reset me personally and made me more patient and put together when I’m dealing with his behavior.
@3007 We thought our high energy 2yo would be better at 3 (and we were welcoming our daughter a few days after our boy turned 3). Wow that was such a tough year in terms of childcare. The baby clings on to me hard so my husband mostly deals with our boy (just turned 4) and 3yo was like terrible 2 who TALKS a lot more but doesn’t listen AT ALL because they think they are big kids now…my husband and I just try not to lose on the boy at the same time…I lost wayyy more often than my husband

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