My kid called me fat

@solidengr lol I don't mean to laugh but it reminded me of something that happened with my daughter, I was alwayssss so insecure about my belly and after I had my son, my daughter was sitting with me and she goes to get up but her hand was on my belly and she goes "mommy, why is your belly so squishy?!" She was 4 at the time, I burst out laughing. In my head I expected to cry if ever heard this but the best explanation instantly popped in my head and I said "well, you remember when mommy was pregnant and how big my belly got? and you know how when you blow up and balloon and then the air comes out and its all squishy again? well that's what happened to mommy's belly" And she thought it was the best thing she ever heard.
@solidengr I just found this post searching for an answer to this question. My daughter has been calling me fat a lot lately asking "mom why are you so fat?" . I am 5'6 and 130lb, I am trim and athletic. I have explained to her the impact of her words and their potential to others. It's still hurts but I know I just have to get over it. I tried an approach of asking her why she was asking me that, and did she feel uncomfortable with her body? She said no, I just want to know why your fatter than dad ( I am not). I asked her to specify of she was referring to my curvy parts. She said no, your belly, oh that's cause you had babies. And you where rich before babies to huh?
I hung my head and walked away lol.