Kid is 7 and starting to stink

@chrisxxcc I know that’s a joke but my kid’s 13 and once the middle school funk really starts to set in you need to pull out the big guns.

Old Spice is one of the few that can cut the funk. The natural stuff was more like adding a soupçon of fragrance into the nasal assault.
@chrisxxcc Old Spice is the only deodorant that I can't use, for some reason it irritates my arm pits, which is weird because I'm not allergic to anything and nothing else irritates me.
@onewithfaith My daughter is also 7 and her armpits stink baaad. All she drinks is water so we know she’s well-hydrated but she has eczema and very sensitive skin so we don’t shower her every day but we do just get a warm, wet rag with body wash and scrub her armpits on days she doesn’t shower. We’ve noticed some improvement with that. We use Earth’s Mama and Native deodorant for her. My sister’s armpits started to stink at a young age too so I’m thinking it’s genetic.
@onewithfaith You should test and use all regular deodorants before resorting to ‘natural’ versions or other alternative remedies. Plenty of people with sensitive skin can still use regular deodorant and the natural/alternative stuff does not work well.