My kid is 3 and I’m unwell.

@tnlady1 I'm an identical twin, our mum said we were very very hard. I also remembered we fought so much as kids (but also played together well some of the time and were always fiercely loyal to each other). Never get them different gifts lol, we always had to have the same gifts as if we got different ones, we would fight over the better gift lol
As adults we are best friends, she's my favourite person, being a twin is awesome!
@3007 3 is honestly the worst lol. My son was kinda chill but my daughter goes from zero to 100 in a second. Once she's there it's too late and we just got to ride it out.
@3007 I’ve had my 3 year old home with me the past 2 days because she threw up at daycare yesterday. She is not sick. She also recently stopped taking naps. I work from home and omg I am exhausted 😵‍💫 I used to wish I could be a SAHM, but these last 2 days have made me so thankful I work. And I love her to death and everything she does makes me laugh but damn. Exhausting.
@penguinagent HAHAH “….. she’s not sick”; ugh so true. We are hit or miss on naps. I miss my hours or silence. I’m trying to make the most of the warm months and take her outside to run and let the sun wear her out as much as possible.
@3007 My 3 year old is a total sour patch kid. One moment he’s chaotic and having a tantrum, the next moment asking for hugs and kisses. It’s rough.
@3007 Lol but same. Mine is 3.5 and I sometimes just stare at her and think what the fuck 😂😂 then I gather myself and parent her to my best ability.

I've been told it gets easier at 4... so I'm hoping I'm in the final stretch
@3007 In my experience 3 is much harder than 2. Of course my little dude had his moments when he was 2 but in general he was curious and always wanted to help. Now at 3 he refuses to help, refuses to do anything for himself, won't listen to me or mom, tantrums over literally everything! And the icing on the cake he's still a horrible sleeper like he has been pretty much his entire life.

I've heard from others who have older kids it gets better around 5 as you can finally start to reason with them a bit. I sure hope that's true.
@artsychic My favorite is the public meltdown. I don’t feel bad for the people around me… I’m jealous of them lol. I’m like damn - I also think this is annoying but I gotta go home with her lmao
@artsychic I feel all of this in my soul, especially being a horrible sleeper! 😭 She has night terrors from time to time, which sometimes last up to an hour at a time. But even on “normal” nights, she wakes me up 2-3x a night! 🫠

I AM SO TIRED!!! And it makes handling all the tantrums and attitude so much harder!
@3007 4 is worse than 3 for me. I can see why they call it the “f-you fours”. He feels entitled apparently to boss us around and throws a fit when he doesn’t get his way. We try not to do everything he wants all the time to make it worse…
@3007 Early 3 was.. manageable. Ever since she hit that halfway mark and now is 3.5… it’s been a game of which tornado of a toddler will we get today.
@3007 i posted an ad for a nanny to come from 5-9 each night just to put my hellion to bed. we’ve been on a bedtime groove the past month but tonight he wants to shake it up. eek.
@3007 4 months to go until she turns 4. It is truly stunning the things she thinks up and ends up in trouble for. She is like Angel/Devil to her 20 month old brother. Today he had a fever and was extremely irritable and as soon as he was quiet for 30 secs she was all up in his grill. Omg.

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