Would you send your kid to daycare tomorrow?

@lmd0137 Personally where she’s been getting sick so much and is still running hot, I wouldn’t risk it. Tbh I wouldn’t send her back to this daycare at all if she’s been sick that many times this year already, seems sketchy.
@lmd0137 No judgement on whatever you choose to do, but fyi after a series of repeat illnesses for my kid my pediatrician told me that some kids have more vulnerability to a second infection as they’re recovering from the first one. She asked if I could keep the kid out of daycare an extra day after a fever rather than just waiting 24 hours. I gave it a try and the rebound infections basically stopped. Ymmv but consider that as an option if you can.
@lmd0137 As an early care provider, please keep your child home. She needs a solid 24 hours without a fever to return to school and in my experience that needs to be at their normal. Back in school, she will be much busier and active and this will likely make her temp go back up if she’s not well. They will then have to call you to come pick her up anyway. Also, those 24 hours must be medication free. I understand it’s difficult to be getting behind on work, but this is the most considerate choice to her care providers as well as to her.
@elizabeth12 She is fever free….and will be 24 hours med free by this evening at 7 pm. I just personally like temps below 99.0 so I have been on the fence. But she’s below the medical fever threshold for her age by a whole degree. Assuming she doesn’t have a spike, she will be med free for 36 hours by tomorrow morning and fever free without meds for more than 24 hours. I thought I explained all of that above but maybe it wasn’t clear.

Edit to add: her “normal” is anywhere between 98.5 and 99.5. She definitely can run 99.5 and be normal. I just try to be cautious when I know she’s been sick. But she’s been running around like herself all day with a temp of 99.5 or lower. So I think I’ve just been paranoid.
@lmd0137 Based on that, I’d say if she doesn’t spike tonight or tomorrow morning then you can just let their teacher know about what she’s been experiencing and ask them to monitor her for any signs of returning symptoms. I’d prep them for the fact that she’s staying stable around 99 but is behaving normally. If she’s capable of being in group care it sounds like you should be okay.
@lmd0137 if she is eating, drinking, and has been fever free without the use of analgesics (Tylenol, Motrin) for 24 hours, I'd send her in. If she was still feeling lousy and had zero energy or looked like crap, or was not eating, I would keep her home another day. I know how hard this is.
@lmd0137 Yes as long as her temp stayed below a fever and she seemed chipper and wasn’t coughing more than normal and her snot situation was reasonable and she was hydrated.

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