Kid is 7 and starting to stink

@onewithfaith What does "increasing showers" mean? Is he not showering daily already?

I witnessed a friend go through this and it was a fucking battle. Their ~10 year old was on a path to becoming an internet meme of the stinky gamer in moms basement. It was a rough ride, but showers every evening, face washing every morning, and a little effort in the the clothing department was a HUGE boost to his confidence (and complexion) and the resulting 180º was astonishing.
@jc7622 Showering every single day isn’t necessary. Unless you’re doing physical work and sweating. Every other day is good.

Edit: Christ, I don’t understand the downvotes. People really feel the need to shower every single day even if they are sitting around not doing anything? That’s not good for your skin or hair. Fucking Google it and read the facts before you downvote me
@sistersinister Here we go again. There's practically no professional advice out there that says kids at age 7 should need to shower every day. 2 to 3 times a week is what's recommended. Obviously nuanced of course.
@bondzy People on Reddit over do the showering thing. There's no way a 7 year old needs a shower every day. The stink is probably due to something else like lactose intolerance. It's bad for your skin if you shower too much. There's no convincing them though.
@herohere I mean, yeah, for teens going through puberty, absolutely shower. Adults interacting with others, shower. I've yet to see any advice that kids should shower daily.
@bondzy Even for adults it really depends on how much they are sweating and how dirty their job is. There's no need to waste a showers worth of water on something a washcloth could take care of.
@crystball Don't know why you're getting downvoted. My hair was always oily, and my barber said it was because i was washing all of the oil from my scalp. Turns out showering every day isn't the greatest for the rest of your body either. If you're going too, then it should only be 5 min and pretty much just to wash the nether regions.