I fell while holding my 3 y.o. Niece.. would you ever forgive me if I was your SIL?

@natalijaasbj I definitely do have bad anxiety and need help with this, I tend to react this way a lot at least on the inside. I am going to therapy once I’m on summer break hopefully to get help. ❤️ And thank you for the story.
@bigphi008 Yes. Especially considering you got so skinned up and the only pain of niece is fear. This would actually make me trust you more knowing you'll do whatever it takes to save our kids.
@bigphi008 I mean this in a kind way- I would consider looking into anxiety medication or therapy. It’s good you care so much about kids that you’re concerned! But I feel like this level of guilt may be a bit extreme and may be intensified with all the physical and mental changes that come with pregnancy/birth. If you were to end up with post partum anxiety it would be great to have the skills needed to deal with that already in your toolbox.
@rebbemn007 Thank you for being honest I know I have anxiety disorder and probably depression from chronic pain/illness. I have been trying to seek counseling but I teach and the only places I can find are virtual around my lunch times (I feel teaching is a big source of anxiety and I don’t want to have therapy there). I fully intend on starting this summer because I definitely do feel extreme levels of guilt whenever I do something wrong.
@bigphi008 When my kid was 2, she took off running during a walk with her dad. He yelled at her to stop. She didn't and immediately fell on the concrete. She somehow only scratched up the space between her nose and lips--that was an unfortunate looking scab. My husband felt like the worst human on earth and was worried she'd have a scar. Then wouldn't take her on walks for another 6 months. She was fine. She doesn't even remember (she's 4 now). Accidents happen! I'd forgive you immediately! The kid wasn't even hurt, just a little shaken. I wasn't mad at my husband and just reminded our girl that the ground is hard and you have to be careful.
@bigphi008 Can almost guarantee the kid has done 10x worse to themselves.

I sometimes wonder how my kids are still alive the amount of stupid shit they do.

The other day I walked in on my 4 year old just as he jumped off the sofa and smashed his head on the edge of the door becuase he "thought he was spiderman"...

He was not spiderman
@bigphi008 When my daughter was 1-2 my husband came running into the living room holding her (trying to make her laugh), immediately tripped over one of her toys and THREW her.

Everyone was fine.

I forgave him.

This memory is burned in my mind and now it makes me laugh because of how ridiculous it was.
@bigphi008 My 5 year old still falls constantly. It happens and it’s not a big deal. You did your best to protect her and took the brunt of the fall. No one in their right mind would or should hold a simple accident over you like that.
@bigphi008 Oh sweetie. It's going to be ok.

Mom here. I was dropping my oldest off at daycare, while carrying my baby, no stroller because stairs.

I fell UP THE STAIRS WHILE CARRYING MY BABY. I turned, and slammed my shoulder into the stairs so I could protect her (and yelled SHIT at the top of my lungs in a daycare). It was terrifying. But we were ok.

That baby is now 3. And she runs face first into everything.

You are amazing, in a split moment of danger, your instincts kicked in to protect that kid. There would be no blame if they DIDN'T, but seriously, the fact that they did... You're doing great. And one day, you're going to be an amazing mom.

Accidents happen, ALL THE TIME. For all of us. The only thing you can do, is try to protect them as much as you can. And honestly, that's a good chunk of parenting.

Ps. You were carrying her because you were already trying to protect her, as you didn't want her to hurt her feet because she wouldn't put shoes on.
You're doing great ❤️
@mynameisjoe Ouch big hugs!!! That sounds soooo painful (for you) on a stair!! 💔 And nothing more terrifying than having a baby in your arms while going down, the seconds felt like minutes when it just happened to me… And LOL so true about toddlers running into things. Thank you for the kind words, I want nothing more than to be a good mom someday (hopefully soon) so it means a lot.
@bigphi008 When my son was 4 months a friend was throwing him in the air and accidentally threw him into a door frame. We still hang out and I forgave him pretty quickly. He felt worse than we did! You are fine
@bigphi008 I know a family with a child who is brain damaged from the father falling down the stairs with baby. I will never forgive myself for the one time I let go of ny son’s hand to grab the laundry sitting on the stairs, thinking I was addressing the element of danger. My son was 2, gleefully ran to the landing and up a few steps to where a mirror is across from me. Enjoyed his reflection and then stepped into thin air and crashed down three steps bashing his face on the corner of the railing base. I picked him up and held him close and against my shoulder as he wailed and then realized I had been smushing a split cheek against my shoulder. So much blood. ER was a long and shameful visit, so much guilt. He had three stitches and it is right in the middle of his cheek. People think it is a dimple, unless they’re a doctor. They know. It took me ages to forgive myself and it was six years ago- I still have moments of anguish over it.
@bigphi008 Forgive you for what? It was an accident, accidents happen! Dont feel bad, the kiddos got her whole life ahead of her to end up in hospital on her own accord. I realized after having my kid, at some point, they're going to do something so incredibly stupid, most likely already been told not to do, then injure themselves 🤣

We almost had a hospital trip last week because my lo got her toe stuck between the scooter wheel and brake! Xmas 2022 she ran straight in to a trolly (cart) in the supermarket, gave her self a black eye, thankfully it was the freezer isle so a worker got some peas to help reduce the swelling, she got a free chocolate teddy too. Shes fallen down a hill and bruised her tooth, a year later falls in PE and knocks the same tooth out 🤣 She's ran in to glass doors, fallen backwards off the sofa (multiple times), harassed the cats to the point they scratched her, fallen out of a tree, tripped over thin air. The list goes on.

Once my mum was watching her, she must have been about 1, I got a phone call, mum was panicked, told me my daughter has a bump on her head, she'd ran in to the TV stand, I then got a picture of cushions taped to the stand 😂 It happens to us all, that woman raised 4 kids and no, I dont remember her doing that for my younger siblings, I took it as my daughter absolutely got my clumsy genes!

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