I fell while holding my 3 y.o. Niece.. would you ever forgive me if I was your SIL?

@bigphi008 Honestly don't worry too much ! The first night I had my daughter she woke up in the night and I went to take her downstairs so daddy could sleep , I feel all the way down carrying her ! She went back to sleep but because I had held her tight rather than grab anything I had a really bruised arse and legs . She was snuggled nice and warm and went back to sleep while I was in agony lol these things happen !
@bigphi008 All 3 of my kids got dropped by family. #1 dropped by cousin, #2 dropped by niece, and #3 dropped by me. I fell asleep holding him. My bad. All kids fine.
@bigphi008 Even parents screw up. 👋 hi. I'm one of them. We have the best intentions and try our hardest, but we fk up. We're all human we're going to make mistakes. You now know not to do that again. You'll do better because you know better. Also, the fact that you care shows how good of an uncle you are and someday dad. Please let it go. Forgive yourself. Your energy is better spent on positive things in your future, there's no benefit to spending time on negative things in the past. It can't change, and it's done and over with.
@bigphi008 You feeling that guilt is the sign that you probably will be a great parent, or at least you will do your best. Accidents happen all the time and you protect your niece by taking the hit of that fall. Kids get hurt all the time, most of the times playing with their parents, it's normal and it's their way of learning.

So don't feel bad, you were great and your SIL even supported and her saying your niece cut herself that week was an way of saying that those things happen all the time. :)

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