What can you get done while baby wearing?

@brewster1118 Mine's generally OK with me sitting still during a carrier nap and I'm a PhD student who's way behind on her research, so I (try to) work on that on my computer. Sometimes instead I browse reddit, like now šŸ˜….

I can sort of do laundry sometimes. I generally do dishes when he's playing on a play mat in the living room, which is open plan with the kitchen.
@jojo2 I came to write the same thing! Except I have to stand. 8 months into working while I rock my hips šŸ¤£
I also attend webinars and meetings while baby sleeps in the carrier - sometimes feeding too.
@brewster1118 Nothing with front carries, if I am really ambitious I'll fold a wee bit of laundry and move some dishes to near the sink.

You really don't get the chores benefit until you can back carry at 4+ months, then you can do anything!
@brewster1118 Depends how confident you are, Iā€™m able to do almost everything while baby wearing as long as heā€™s wrapped quite tight (4 week old) including cooking and feeding my toddler. Hoovering, laundry and dishwasher also arenā€™t too difficult. Iā€™d say the hardest is tidying my toddlers toys as squatting and looking under the sofa is abit of a stretch.

I wouldnā€™t have done the above with my first born as I was too new of a parent and scared of everything but for our second we feel a lot more confident learning from our first

Iā€™m also the husband if that makes a difference (Iā€™m taller and my limbs are longer than my wifeā€™s)
@brewster1118 I thought it would be much more useful for chores than it turned out to be. I stress about her breathing and hate not being able to move freely when doing stuff so Iā€™ve gone back to being a baby bed on the couch instead. Chores get done during the few minutes she accepts being in her baby gym or when her dad holds her.
@brewster1118 I can sweep and mop, rake leaves (but not bag), walk the dog , and I dug holes and planted 2 bushes earlier this week. I can also water my garden, dust, clean windows and mirrors. Pretty much anything I can do while standing upright ...dishes are doable by hand but it's slow and it's hard...much like when I was super pregnant. I would be able to do more if I had a candy grabber šŸ˜…
@brewster1118 LO is 5 weeks and so far I have been able to fold and put away laundry, vacuum, take the dog outside, plant flowers, and basic tidying up. I just hold his head any time I need to bend over and he doesnā€™t seem to notice.
@brewster1118 I work from home so I worked on my computer while wearing a lot when they were little. Other than that I didnā€™t really do a ton ā€œproductiveā€ done until I started to wear them on my back (but they werenā€™t napping as much in the carrier by that point).
@brewster1118 I can load/unload the top half only of the dishwasher, do food prep on counters, swiffer small sections of floor, fold laundry, prep bottles, and sit on my ass lol. (Mine personally doesnt wake up if im still, once she has already fallen asleep) If someone knows how im possibly supposed to find an opportunity to vacuum while having a velcro baby i would literally pay you
@brewster1118 Not ā€œproductiveā€, but what we do is play cornhole in the yard lol. Itā€™s a little walking and moving which she loves and helps her sleep, and itā€™s a way for hubby and I to bond with one of our shared activities.
@brewster1118 I was just making sad dinner with my toddler in a back carry today. It was literally just box mac n cheese so no danger but it helped immensely that I could strap him up there. He was up there bc we were walking the dog.. I am having a solo parent evening and babywearing is the only way I make it work.
@brewster1118 Reading on my phone, journaling on my phone, the occasional knitting session, occasional work email/video call, but at this point I try to do nothing that makes me stressed (so I donā€™t work very often while wearing baby) because I hate feeling stressed while baby is in my carrier. I went back to work part time at 10 weeks (my baby is 17 weeks now) so starting to embrace just holding him and watching shows guilt free. Tho I am lucky to have a husband who cooks and cleans - not as much as before baby, but were it not for him Iā€™d be eating table crackers only and live in a dump.
@brewster1118 I feel like I canā€™t really get much done tbh lol. I washed bottles once while wearing her but I had to do it while turning sideways šŸ˜‚

Itā€™s only good for going on walks for me.
@brewster1118 With the ergobaby (we have the omni 360 breeze) I found it was too hard to do too many things, I mostly walked back and forth while playing rockabye baby playlists on my phone and reading a book on my e reader while baby slept. There was a time LO only slept in the carrier for every nap.. maybe like two months. It was a lot. I read a lot.

I did find that I could get A LOT more done with the soft beluga baby wraps, but they were more annoying to put on every time; they do allow for more closeness and flexibility! Just an option.