Got an 'answer' for my "next level" velcro baby. I was too stressed while pregnant.

@nazpastor Alright. I'm gonna ask.

Why isn't your husband doing the laundry then?!?? Seriously. Knowing you can do NOTHING except hold your baby because otherwise he'll scream and cry, you really have two options: 1.) Continue to hold him and focus on nothing else. 2.) Get used to the screaming and do the things around the house that need to be done. That's it. Those are your options.

Explain these options to your husband and ask him to pick. Would he prefer to hold a screaming infant for a few hours while YOU do the house chores, or would he prefer to do those chores himself while baby stays velcroed to Mom?

Seriously. Make him do the chores. It's his way of contributing to the household right now.
@nazpastor This person is full of horse shit that she shouldn’t be dumping in other people’s gardens.

My pregnancy was the most happy, relaxed 9 months of my life. My baby is still hard core velcro at 4 months. Please try to erase the memory of this conversation and this person from your mind forever, don’t let it live rent free in your head. You did nothing wrong.
@nazpastor My son’s Pediatrician said he was “high maintenance/high needs” baby at his 1st newborn checkup. He was the same way as your baby.

High needs/High Maintenance baby

He’s now 19 months and has gotten more independent and playful. He definitely is just a strong-willed, demanding child by nature as soon as we brought him home from the hospital. He busted out of his swaddles after 2 weeks old & we never could swaddle to try to soothe him again. Threw his pacifiers every time around 4 months, so that soothing option was no more.
Other parents I’ve chatted with online have also said their child(ren) was “high needs/maintenance” but definitely improved the older they got and learned independence. Yes, I agree with others. Find a new Pediatrician that doesn’t have antiquated information.
@nazpastor I had numerous devastating things happen to me while I was pregnant with my daughter, including the sudden and unexpected death of my very healthy father. My daughter is the chillest, happiest kid I know. My pregnancy with my son was much more calm and he’s always unhappy. It’s not your fault. That’s awful, incorrect “information” that person gave you.

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