I’m a FTM needing STM’s advice on weak pelvic floor; peeing while sneezing

@nyamburam Sorry, to respond so late - I definitely don't advise against core work, but you want to be doing work that is going to help support the system as a whole and is right for you! Some women are absolutely able to do modified HITT and some women feel a lot of symptoms with those types of workouts. I think the biggest question to ask yourself is what kind of movement do you enjoy doing? If you LOVE HITT then I'd say work towards finding ways to incorporate that once you've figured out (maybe with your PT's help) how you can activate your pelvic floor and core to support you better. And maybe have a chat about a pessary, if needed. And another great resource (IMO) is Antony Lo. He's an Australian PT who is super passionate about getting women back to doing what they love. And if you want to check it out, I wrote a blog post about prolapse that might help explain a little more. Hope this helps! http://elizacait.com/pelvicorganprolapse/
@tapionmajin2 Kegal. Binwah balls. Exercise that floor muscle you can google how to kegal or what binwah balls to use also help with easing child birth and with healing after
@tapionmajin2 I would ask your doctor how to help with that too they have good suggestions also in the mean while just keep a panty liner on so you don’t have to change your pants ever time you sneeze allergy’s are so bad best of luck and congratulations sending good vibes
@tapionmajin2 On kegals, I've been told by my doula and midwife not to do them in isolation, and to do them in combination with other pelvic floor exercises - ex. with squats or childs pose.
@tapionmajin2 Hormones also play a role in the function of these muscles. I did PT after my first (I waited way too long go ASAP) And almost immediately after getting pregnant again, I am peeing my pants again. Also, I thought I was doing pelvic lifts and kegels, but in reality I was doing it all wrong; using my abs and butt muscles to squeeze. That was the biggest help I got from my PT; learning the correct way to work those muscles. Breastfeeding hormones don’t help either, so go see your PT because it helps, but be aware that it’s an up hill battle. I am going to have to work really hard after I have this baby. I don’t think it’s insurmountable, I did have a few months where I was doing great.
@tapionmajin2 I’ve had 3 babies and was experiencing urination during sneezing/jumping and decreased sexual sensation during intercourse. I talked to my Ob and she recommended “the intensity”.

You insert it into your vagina and pump a button until it feels full but not uncomfortable. You turn it on and leave it on for 5-7 minutes. It’s causes the muscles to contract and you can feel it! It’s not arousing or uncomfortable but strange. Within two weeks my muscles were really tightening. My husband could even tell a difference. It’s really helped with urination and my orgasams are back full force. Best $150 I’ve ever spent.