What can you get done while baby wearing?

@brewster1118 I can get dishes done if he's in a newborn carry hold but, if he's upright in a hug hold nope. He won't allow it. Lol and honestly it takes twice as long to do them because I'm trying not to get him wet
However, it's the only way i get them done without Jim screaming and m stopping 67 times so, here we are.
Also, the mountains of laundry I've accumulated since he was born almost 9 weeks ago are starting to dwindle down now that I'm baby wearing.. I can wipe down the counters and vacuum as well. Even sweep it just takes longer than it normally would and a little more strain on the back trying to do this. (Big help If someone can get down to hold the dustpan.) Lol
@brewster1118 With my first I did nothing but rock the baby. Maybe read a book. Maybe sweep. But mostly, nothing. Second and third… I did/do everything that needs doing during a nap. Dishes, laundry, walk kids to school, wipe butts, hook up the sprinkler for big kids to play… Unless it’s taking a shower or driving, I can pretty much do it with a sleeping baby on my back.

But if this is your first, then i highly suggest just holding them and relaxing!! Also, if they’re sleeping on your back, you can lean forward :)
@brewster1118 Put my laptop on some books on the kitchen bench to fashion a standing desk. Then I could get stuff done whilst swaying and keeping him asleep! I couldn’t do anything when baby wearing a newborn!
@brewster1118 My ultimate mum hack is those rubbish grippers! Strap a baby to you and get a pair of grippers you’re basically unstoppable! Picking up washing, tidying up, getting things up high! No worries.
@brewster1118 Depends really, I mostly got outdoors and walked the dogs, or went grocery shopping at the market on Sundays. I also wore my newborn when family was visiting so she could sleep while I socialized - hot tip: this also really helps minimize unwanted contact or hand kissing from visitors!! Drives me nuts how people think it's ok to kiss a baby's hands 🤷‍♀️ have we learned nothing from the pandemic
@brewster1118 It’s a lot easier to get things done while babywearing when they’re old enough to flip onto your back for a back carry. Actually, a ring along with a hip carry makes some things easier. But back carry while doing chores is wayyy easier.