Does anyone else have their newborn live in onesies 24/7?

@healihealiheal My almost 9mo LIVES in zippies. I'm obsessed with this one brand because they last forever. I don't see a reason to NOT wear them all the time. She's a baby for fucksake.
@healihealiheal My two year old still lives in the simplest comfiest clothes. I don’t know if the uncomfortable stiff complicated cute clothes would bother her, but it would bother me lol. Clearly I have some sensory issues here haha
@healihealiheal Yes footed & footless PJs all day everyday! I actually like the ones with inverted 1-way zipper the best because undressing is so much easier when the kid has blowout during diaper change. With 2-way zipper I'd have to dress him again to undress which I find slightly annoying. I didn't mind snaps either, I just left the crotch open all the time lol.

But yeah, I was gifted with baby clothes that have actual buttons for Christmas. Who designs these?!?? Clearly not the ones who have babies.
@healihealiheal I definitely did! It's cold out, those onesies are comfy (I mean, they seem comfy--no pressure on the tummy), and they're easy to change. I think I put my girl in outfits if we were going somewhere, but at 5 weeks, I was going nowhere but my couch.
@healihealiheal My son will be 9 months this weekend, and I can still count on one hand the number of times I have dressed him up.

It’s just too much work to worry about. Plus, we don’t really go anywhere.

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